9 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Red Hat
I have a user ( and actually me too) getting this messages when the screen is idle, I need help on stopping this messages:
2012 Feb 20 13:30:22 servername Audit: LENGTH: "330" SESSIONID: "339384" ENTRYID: "1" STATEMENT: "1" USERID: "OPS$PT2ADM" USERHOST: "zzzzzzzzzzz" ACTION: "100" RETURNCODE:... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: 300zxmuro
2 Replies
2. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I have the following log file running since yesterday and its consuming so much of the disk space.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dev dba 4543237120 Nov 10 09:00 load_run_file1_0.1111091224.lg
How do i kill this process. I don't have any idea of stopping this. Any help would be really appreciated.
... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: bobby1015
3 Replies
3. Solaris
I am using solaris x86 with a pc keyboard. i am trying to get to the ok prompt i have tried ctrl-break but it is not working , alt-break will not as well.
pls any thought? (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: seyiisq
4 Replies
4. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi All,
I am running parallel process as they all run the same JOBS and only thing which changes is the argument which ia passed.
I am doing it as follows
script.sh $1 &
script.sh $2 &
script.sh $3 &..
and so on.
Now each process has same set of JOBS which are to be executed. Now say... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Prashantckc
1 Replies
5. AIX
Dears all
i have an AIX box in which i am facing a problem with a process as below:
/usr/dt/bin/dtexec -open 0 -ttprocid
and each time i am killing this process with "kill -9" then it run again after a while.
any ideas or solutions will be appreciated. (13 Replies)
Discussion started by: TheEngineer
13 Replies
6. Solaris
I have replaced my current Intel PC machine with Solaris 10, it use to have windows XP.
I am sure alot of people already done this and i have seen Solaris running smoothly but having keyboard problem.
What is the equal keys in a QWERTY keyboard for selection <Stop+A> ?
Is there a... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: tlee
5 Replies
7. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
I am hosting a site that someone is bouncing a huge amount of spam off of and I have not been able to find what file they are using to abuse my server.
Short of terminating the account and telling my customer to take a hike I am hoping someone can help me find the file that is being... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: dorpan
1 Replies
8. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
Hi ,
I have one question, suppose i am a normal user and when i use 'w' command , it shows who is logged on and what they are doing .
Now i want to stop others users to know what i am doing accept the root ?
can i do this ?
thanks (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: mobile01
5 Replies
9. SCO
i hit ping to ping a server, and it keeps going.
how do you stop it? ctrl Z, D, C, nothing works. (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: BG_JrAdmin
2 Replies