10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Linux
Hi All.
I am pretty new when it comes to Linux. My admin left on vacation and has presented 2 new disks to the server but they won't be seen until I can reboot the box this weekend.
Once that happens I need the steps to make it available to my server and mount them as new filesystems. One will... (25 Replies)
Discussion started by: jamie_collins
25 Replies
2. Ubuntu
I wasn't sure where to put this thread but since i use ubuntu for data recovery, I figured this is the best place. So, a friend passed me a 250G Western Digital hard disk the other day and said that his client needs to get her pictures off it. the problem: windows says it wants to reformat the... (13 Replies)
Discussion started by: old noob
13 Replies
3. BSD
I have just installed a second hard disk on a FreeBSD machine v8.0. It is seen as new hardware:
# dmesg | grep ad4
ad4: 953869MB <SAMSUNG HD103UJ 1AA01113> at ata2-master SATA300
ad4: 953869MB <SAMSUNG HD103UJ 1AA01113> at ata2-master SATA300
However it is not listed in fstab where "ad4"... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: figaro
2 Replies
4. Solaris
I am using Solaris 10. I have a raw device attached to my system which is
I want to mount this as a disk with file system on a mount point /u05.
Actually this raw device was earlier part of Oracle ASM. Now I have removed this disk from ASM, and want to use it as normal... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: fahdmirza
3 Replies
5. Solaris
Hi once more :p
Yesterday I reinstalled Solaris OS and now I can not mount pcfs HDD
SunOS unknown 5.10 Generic_142901-03 i86pc i386 i86pc
and what has been added in /etc/vfstab is
/dev/dsk/c1t0d0p1:c - /podaci - pcfs - yes rw
But as I said , my disk is... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: solaris_user
4 Replies
6. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hello all! I just recently inherited a mid-90s gateway full tower system (Original Pentium, SIMM style RAM, etc.). I had always wanted to try an old version of UNIX, and having come across a copy of AT&T System V R4 decided that the time was ripe. There were 30 disks total, and after booting to... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Northcott
1 Replies
7. Red Hat
Ok. I screwed up. Using dd, I made a bit-for-bit copy of disk /dev/hda, which contains 3 partitions.
dd if=/dev/hda of=olddrive.iso bs=2048k
However, I neglected to make a copy of the partition table. I'd like to mount partition 3, /dev/hda3, which is an xfs filesystem, but obviously I don't... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: dangral
2 Replies
8. AIX
is that possible?
i installed one disk of a old rs/6000 in a linux machine.
the problem seems to be the partition layout.
linux fdisk tells me that aix disklabels are not supported,
so the problem seems to be the partition layout, not the filesystem.
does anybody know a way to access... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: alex.blackbit
1 Replies
9. OS X (Apple)
Does anyone know an easy way to mount an NTFS (NT File System) external backup drive R/W on OSX?
I use one backup drive for both my XP and OSX files via a USB interface.
On XP it mounts R/W.
On OSX it mounts Read Only :-(
I'm growing weary of using flash drives and burning CDs to... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: Neo
4 Replies
10. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
i am using Interactive Unix 4.1.1 and i have a disk from a another unix machine which is Unix Slackware 2.1 i'm having problem mounting the disk. it gives me an error message, ??? is there any solution to this ???
it say the disk has invalid file system (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: mharck29
1 Replies