Unless you are running realtime this is normal, expected behavior.
crond runs exactly once a minute. It has to check anyone of dozens of cron entries, then exec anything that needs to start.
If you need something to execute to within nanoseconds of a time frame you will have to:
1. write C code with a realtime clock, like clock_gettime()
2. have cron start your C job 1 minute early, make your C job check time constantly then execute the date command as close to the time you need.
You have a bad assumption I think.
You need to understand on a multiprocessing (not realtime) system that the scheduler tries to give all processes a shot at the cpu. That means all of the services you have running, ex.: on the zoned solaris 10 box I am on that is about 140+ processes. Many of them run at high or realtime priority, like zsched. These can preempt a cronjob at any time.
Do not attempt realtime priority on your own unless you are willing to have your code completely lock up the system. I noticed you seem to have root access, so you could do that. Given your question, this is a fair statement.