vi 7.0 and latex

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Operating Systems Linux Debian vi 7.0 and latex
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Old 12-02-2007
vi 7.0 and latex


In the new version of VIM that I am using, the sections, subsections are collapsed as shown below:

+-- 36 lines: \subsection*{Aim}-------------------------

If I press space on the above line, the subsection will be expanded, but I have to do it every time I open the file. Is there anything I can do to see the entire file at once.


vim version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Jan 31 2007 18:15:57)
Included patches: 1-122
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isdnformat(5)						    Linux System Administration 					     isdnformat(5)

isdnformat - common isdn config file format DESCRIPTION
This man page describes the format of all isdn config files. FORMAT
Empty lines are ignored. If a # is encountered, this character and the rest of the line is ignored (it's considered a comment). You can prepend a backslash to prevent this and use the # character. If the last character of a line is a backslash , the next line is a continuation of the current line. The file format is like smb.conf or win.ini: there are sections and entries within the section. However, the syntax was expanded with sub- sections; these can be nested as often as you like. All whitespace (space and tabs) at the end of the line are ignored. Section and entry names are case insensitive. Values are case sensitive, of course (the case is preserved). Section and entry names may not use the characters "*?|&/"; if one of these is encountered, it is ignored. At the beginning of the line you may use as much whitespace as you like. A section has the format "[" NAME "]". You may use whitespace between the braces and the name, or none at all. An entry has the format ENTRY "=" VALUE. You may use whitespace before and after the equal sign, or none at all. A subsection starts with ENTRY "=" "{" and ends with "}". You may use sections, entries and subsections between the start and the end tag. Beware: unlike samba or windows the semicolon is not used for comments ! You can use INCLUDE(File) to include a file. If the filename is not absolute, it's considered relative to the directory of the including document. You may use it anywhere in a file, but there may be no space characters in the file! All subsections started in an include file must end in that include file, so the number of opened and closed brackets must match. Beware: recursive including will cause the program to break. The library does not prevent this. AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Andreas Jellinghaus <>, for Debian GNU/Linux and isdn4linux. Now maintained by Paul Slootman <>. ISDN 4 Linux 3.13 2000/09/15 isdnformat(5)