Making a python package and cross-platform compatible

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Operating Systems Linux Debian Making a python package and cross-platform compatible
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Old 10-14-2013
Making a python package and cross-platform compatible

Hi Ive been trying for days now and i just cannot work this out.

Can someone please tell me if im doing this right.

I've written some python3.3 code and now i want to transfer it to an embedded computer to execute.

My OS is a : Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7 (squeezez) 32-bit kernel
Compiler gcc 4.4.4 and gcc 4.4.5

The target computer is : Linux 2.6.9 32bit cpu.
Compiler gcc 3.3.2

So i have the .py files. I install cx_freeze with python3.3.

I then use cxfreese, which create a folder called dist with a bunch of files and a executable.

Now from my understanding everything it needs to run is inside that folder?
So how come when i transfer over to the target computer it says " cannot execute binary file"

is this todo with them haveing diffrent compilers? how do i update the target computers compiler when there is no apt-get or dpkg facility?

Please someone save Smilie
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DH_PYSUPPORT(1) 						  python-support						   DH_PYSUPPORT(1)

dh_pysupport - use the python-support framework to handle Python modules SYNOPSIS
dh_pysupport [debhelper options] [-V X.Y] [-X item [...]] [-n] [module dirs ...] DESCRIPTION
dh_pysupport is a debhelper program that will scan your package, detect public modules in /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages, and move them to the shared Python modules location. It will generate appropriate postinst/prerm scripts to byte-compile modules installed there for all available python versions. It will also look for private Python modules and will byte-compile them with the current Python version. You may have to list the directories containing private Python modules. If a file named debian/pyversions exists, it is used to determine the python versions with which the package can work. Appropriate dependencies on python-support, python and pythonX.Y are put in ${python:Depends}. The ${python:Versions} and ${python:Provides} optional substitution variables are made available as well. OPTIONS
module dirs If your package installs private python modules in non-standard directories, you can make dh_pysupport check those directories by passing their names on the command line. By default, it will check /usr/lib/$PACKAGE, /usr/share/$PACKAGE, /usr/lib/games/$PACKAGE and /usr/share/games/$PACKAGE -n, --noscripts Do not modify postinst/postrm scripts. -d This option is deprecated. -V X.Y Force private modules to be bytecompiled with the specific X.Y python version, regardless of the default python version on the system. -X item, --exclude=item Exclude files that contain "item" anywhere in their filename from being taken into account to generate the python dependency. It also excludes them from byte-compilation. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude. CONFORMS TO
Python policy as of 2006-08-10 SEE ALSO
debhelper(7) This program is a part of python-support but is made to work with debhelper. AUTHORS
Josselin Mouette <>, Raphael Hertzog <> 1.0.15 2012-06-30 DH_PYSUPPORT(1)