Coral8 Developer?s License

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Old 12-09-2007
Coral8 Developer?s License

Tim Bass
Sun, 09 Dec 2007 05:03:08 +0000
I agree with Marc Adler regarding, Coral8 and Transparency.***
Marc discusses the the fact that Coral8 lets you download their*full development environment without any requirement to get a license key.** A Coral8 license is only needed when you move into production.* This is really great for kicking the tires and looking under the hood.
There is something I wish Coral8 would change, however.
Coral8’s development license, as I read it,*is only valid*for a single CPU machine.** However, most folks today run multiple CPUs even in their development environment, especially if they are running Linux.**If you want to*do any development on a multiple CPU machine you have to*contact Coral8.
In my opinion, it*would be good if Coral8 would open their “easy” development license up to multiple CPU Linux servers since most of us run multiple CPU Linux servers even in the development environment.

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pvf(1)							      General Commands Manual							    pvf(1)

pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats DESCRIPTION
The pvf tools are a collection of tools to convert vgetty modem data to and from the 'raw modem data' format, and from that to and from various audio file formats (like .au or .wav). In addition, there are some tools to manipulate pvf files, like speed up files or cut off trailing noise. A list of commands is below in the "see also" section. You can run those commands with the -h switch for available options. Please also look at the individual contributed man pages. SEE ALSO
autopvf(1), basictopvf(1), lintopvf(1), pvf(1), pvfamp(1), pvfcut(1), pvfecho(1), pvfff(1), pvffile(1), pvffilter(1), pvfmix(1), pvfnoise(1), pvfreverse(1), pvfsine(1), pvfspeed(1), pvftoau(1), pvftobasic(1), pvftolin(1), pvftormd(1), pvftovoc(1), pvftowav(1), rmd- file(1), rmdtopvf(1), voctopvf(1), wavtopvf(1) AUTHOR
Original version from Klaus Weidner. Copyright (C) 1997 by Marc Eberhard <Marc.Eberhard@Uni-Duesseldorf.DE> 14 February 1997 pvf(1)