Bare-Bones Requirements for an Event Processing Banking Application

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Old 12-06-2007
Bare-Bones Requirements for an Event Processing Banking Application

Tim Bass
Thu, 06 Dec 2007 08:06:05 +0000
I am working on a*security-related* event processing banking application for one of the main banks in Thailand.**** Here are the basic “must have, bare minimum” requirements:
* -* The event processing engine must run on Linux.
* -**The engine must*be configurable and manageable remotely via a web-based interface.
* -* Must have a Windows-based modelling studio for building event logic / rules.
* -* Modelling studio should generate the running code*to upload to the engine.
* -**Processing engine must*have a UNIX sockets interface (adapter) out-of-the-box.
* -* Must have a data modelling / transformation, mapping*tool, such as XPATH, for mapping raw input (in this case a*UNIX socket)*to event data structure(s).
These are only the bare minimum requirements.
Since I am an ex-TIBCO*Principle Global Architect,*I was hoping to find other CEP software vendors who have this very basic functionality, because I don’t want to appear to be biased toward TIBCO with the bank.
I tried BEA’s WebLogic Event Server because they also have a presence in Asia, but their event processsing platform met only one*(The Linux Requirement)*of the six “bare minimum” requirements above.*
If any CEP vendor can meet*the banks*”very basic, bare-bones requirements” please comment here on the blog or email directly.
Thank you.
PS:* Latency is less critical than the bare-bones requirements above.* We can easily route the events to instances of the event processing engine, so the main requirements are based on the ease of design (modeling), remote*configuration and management*and deployment.

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