Customers Voice Concerns Over Rule-Based Systems in APAC

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Old 11-26-2007
Customers Voice Concerns Over Rule-Based Systems in APAC

Tim Bass
Mon, 26 Nov 2007 03:39:12 +0000
We just completed the 7th Cyber Defense Initiative Conference 2007 in Bangkok.** There were*more than*700 attendees in the main conference hall and*nearly*300 people in the exhibition areas, bringing the total of attendees to approximately 1000 people, according to the conference organizers.
I had many opportunities to discuss event processing and security*with a number of Thai business executives, most of whom have*technology-related doctorate degrees from the US and Europe,*including*directors from the*National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), the National National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) and some of the largest telecommuncations and financial services*providers in Thailand.
Most of the business leaders*expressed an interest in Bayesian and Neural networks for event processing applications related to security and cyber defense initiatives.**** These business and technology leaders*also mentioned that rule-based event processing systems are not feasible for most enterprise classes of cyber defense applications.** This seems to confirm what I have been*posting on this blog, expressed by customers and scientists who are hands-on experts*-*rules-based systems are useful for some cyber security and cyber defense applications, but most advanced detection techniques require a self-learning, statistical approach.
I also heard from experts that you can find just about every cyberfraud imaginable in the Asia Pacific region, where criminals are*aggressively*seeking to*exploit and profit from any vulnerability they can find.* *A CTO*of a major telecommuications provider*mentioned very positive results with an implementation of neural networks in cyber defense applications.****
This week I am speaking at another conference.* I’ll try to report a bit more on the 7th Cyber Defense Initiative Conference 2007 in Bangkok when things slow down a bit!*
In closing today, Dr. Prinya Hom-Anek, CISSP, CISA, CISM, SANS GIAC, GCFW, CompTIA Security +, founder and acting president of TISA and his ACIS Professional Center team did a*fantastic*job organizing and hosting*the conference.*** The conference was, by far, the best conference I have attended, to date, in 2007.

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