Timer and Time-Based Events

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Old 11-25-2007
Timer and Time-Based Events

Tim Bass
Sun, 25 Nov 2007 09:11:58 +0000
Opher asks in his blog, Is there a non-event event ? on absence as a pattern.
All “non-event” examples that the*event processing*community has offered, to date, have been based on the premise that an event is created when something does not happen based on time, schedule or a timer - and many seem to want to refer to this as a*”non event.”
Opher is now calling this situation an “absent event.”
In my opinion, the correct term should be a “time-based event” because the event is triggered by a timer or similar time-based object; the*term “non-event” should be dropped from the event processing glossary.

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IO::Async::Timer(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     IO::Async::Timer(3pm)

"IO::Async::Timer" - base class for Notifiers that use timed delays DESCRIPTION
This module provides a subclass of IO::Async::Notifier for implementing notifiers that use timed delays. For specific implementations, see one of the subclasses: o IO::Async::Timer::Absolute - event callback at a fixed future time o IO::Async::Timer::Countdown - event callback after a fixed delay o IO::Async::Timer::Periodic - event callback at regular intervals CONSTRUCTOR
$timer = IO::Async::Timer->new( %args ) Constructs a particular subclass of "IO::Async::Timer" object, and returns it. This constructor is provided for backward compatibility to older code which doesn't use the subclasses. New code should directly construct a subclass instead. mode => STRING The type of timer to create. Currently the only allowed mode is "countdown" but more types may be added in the future. Once constructed, the "Timer" will need to be added to the "Loop" before it will work. It will also need to be started by the "start" method. METHODS
$running = $timer->is_running Returns true if the Timer has been started, and has not yet expired, or been stopped. $timer->start Starts the Timer. Throws an error if it was already running. If the Timer is not yet in a Loop, the actual start will be deferred until it is added. Once added, it will be running, and will expire at the given duration after the time it was added. As a convenience, $timer is returned. This may be useful for starting timers at construction time: $loop->add( IO::Async::Timer->new( ... )->start ); $timer->stop Stops the Timer if it is running. If it has not yet been added to the "Loop" but there is a start pending, this will cancel it. AUTHOR
Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk> perl v5.14.2 2012-10-24 IO::Async::Timer(3pm)