HP Reports the Asia-Pacific Market Up 20 Percent

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Old 11-20-2007
HP Reports the Asia-Pacific Market Up 20 Percent

Tim Bass
Tue, 20 Nov 2007 13:44:47 +0000
I have been advising folks that US-based wars and the subprime meltdown was going to have an adverse effect on IT expenditures in the US and that companies should consider APAC.
In this CNN report, As U.S. Cools, World Demand Helps H.P. Outpace Rivals, HP reports that excluding currency effects, the growth in North America was up 10 percent, to $11.9 billion, compared with the same period a year ago.* Sales grew 19 percent in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, to $11.6 billion.
The strongest performer was the Asia-Pacific market where HP reported a 20 percent increase in sales, to $4.8 billion.

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cups-config(1)							    Apple Inc.							    cups-config(1)

cups-config - get cups api, compiler, directory, and link information. SYNOPSIS
cups-config --api-version cups-config --build cups-config --cflags cups-config --datadir cups-config --help cups-config --ldflags cups-config [ --image ] [ --static ] --libs cups-config --serverbin cups-config --serverroot cups-config --version DESCRIPTION
The cups-config command allows application developers to determine the necessary command-line options for the compiler and linker, as well as the installation directories for filters, configuration files, and drivers. All values are reported to the standard output. OPTIONS
The cups-config command accepts the following command-line options: --api-version Reports the current API version (major.minor). --build Reports a system-specific build number. --cflags Reports the necessary compiler options. --datadir Reports the default CUPS data directory. --help Reports the program usage message. --image When used with --libs, adds the CUPS imaging library to the list of libraries. --ldflags Reports the necessary linker options. --libs Reports the necessary libraries to link to. --serverbin Reports the default CUPS binary directory, where filters and backends are stored. --serverroot Reports the default CUPS configuration file directory. --static When used with --libs, reports the static libraries instead of the default (shared) libraries. --version Reports the full version number of the CUPS installation (major.minor.patch). EXAMPLES
Show the currently installed version of CUPS: cups-config --version Compile a simple one-file CUPS filter: cc `cups-config --cflags --ldflags` -o filter filter.c `cups-config --libs` SEE ALSO
cups(1), CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help) COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2007-2017 by Apple Inc. 15 April 2014 CUPS cups-config(1)