How Information Technology Can Be Used to Detect Opportunities and Threats in Wealth

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Old 11-09-2007
How Information Technology Can Be Used to Detect Opportunities and Threats in Wealth

Tim Bass
Fri, 09 Nov 2007 05:57:46 +0000
I have just been invited to speak at a November 2007 Weath Management conference in Asia.* My presentation will*be, How Information Technology Can Be Used to Detect Opportunities and Threats in Wealth Management, with an abstract as follows:
Managing risk and exploiting financial opportunities are converging as complementary business models in today’s Internet dependent world. High net worth (HNW) individuals, in particular, expect state-of-the-art, real-time asset and risk management services. This creates a demand for a more aware and proactive stance towards threat and opportunity detection. Your organisation must be prepared to respond accurately and swiftly to unpredictable events, news, emergencies and rapidly changing market conditions in order to safeguard your investor’s assets and also to protect your corporate reputation. This session delves into this critical part of wealth management:
• An overview of the state-of-the-art in real-time event processing.
• How data mining, profiling and real-time detection work together.
• Modelling risks and opportunities in software in order to better manage them.
• Case studies of real-time threat detection, including AML and fraud detection.
• Case studies of real-time opportunity detection with white box cybertrading platforms.
Please stay tuned for more details.

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MY(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						     MY(4)

my -- Myson Technology Ethernet PCI driver SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following line in your kernel configuration file: device my Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): if_my_load="YES" DESCRIPTION
The my driver provides support for various NICs based on the Myson chipset. The Myson chipset is a variant of the DEC Tulip NIC chipset. The driver will work with almost any MII-compliant PHY, thus failure to positively identify the chip is not a fatal error. HARDWARE
The my driver provides support for various NICs based on the Myson chipset. Supported models include: o Myson MTD800 PCI Fast Ethernet chip o Myson MTD803 PCI Fast Ethernet chip o Myson MTD89X PCI Gigabit Ethernet chip SEE ALSO
altq(4), de(4), netintro(4), pci(4), ifconfig(8) HISTORY
The my driver first appeared in FreeBSD 4.6. AUTHORS
The my driver was written by Myson Technology Inc. This manual page was written by Hiten M. Pandya <>. BUGS
The my driver does not support Power Management Events (PME). BSD
March 11, 2007 BSD