EPTS Report: Event Processing Reference Architecture Working Group (Slides)

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Old 09-23-2007
EPTS Report: Event Processing Reference Architecture Working Group (Slides)

Tim Bass
Sun, 23 Sep 2007 17:33:26 +0000
The Event Processing Technical Society (EPTS) met in Orlando, Florida, collocated with the Gartner Event Processing Symposium. I reported on the activities of the Event Processing Reference Architecture Working Group (EPRAWG) in this set of slides:
Event Processing Technical Society: Event Processing Reference Architecture Working Group - Roll Call and Open Discussion
The full roll call results of the activities, summarized in the slides above for 2006-2007, may be found in this Google spreadsheet.
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Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Crossing(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			     Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Crossing(3)

Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Crossing HIERARCHY
Gtk2::Gdk::Event +----Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Crossing METHODS
notifytype = $eventcrossing->detail ($newvalue=0) o $newvalue (Gtk2::Gdk::NotifyType) boolean = $eventcrossing->focus ($newvalue=0) o $newvalue (boolean) crossingmode = $eventcrossing->mode ($newvalue=0) o $newvalue (Gtk2::Gdk::CrossingMode) window or undef = $event->subwindow ($newvalue=undef) o $newvalue (Gtk2::Gdk::Window or undef) double = $event->x ($newvalue=0.0) o $newvalue (double) double = $event->y ($newvalue=0.0) o $newvalue (double) ENUMS AND FLAGS
enum Gtk2::Gdk::CrossingMode o 'normal' / 'GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL' o 'grab' / 'GDK_CROSSING_GRAB' o 'ungrab' / 'GDK_CROSSING_UNGRAB' o 'gtk-grab' / 'GDK_CROSSING_GTK_GRAB' o 'gtk-ungrab' / 'GDK_CROSSING_GTK_UNGRAB' o 'state-changed' / 'GDK_CROSSING_STATE_CHANGED' enum Gtk2::Gdk::NotifyType o 'ancestor' / 'GDK_NOTIFY_ANCESTOR' o 'virtual' / 'GDK_NOTIFY_VIRTUAL' o 'inferior' / 'GDK_NOTIFY_INFERIOR' o 'nonlinear' / 'GDK_NOTIFY_NONLINEAR' o 'nonlinear-virtual' / 'GDK_NOTIFY_NONLINEAR_VIRTUAL' o 'unknown' / 'GDK_NOTIFY_UNKNOWN' SEE ALSO
Copyright (C) 2003-2008 by the gtk2-perl team. This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Gtk2 for a full notice. perl v5.12.1 2010-07-05 Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Crossing(3)