Getting Started in CEP: How to Build an Event Processing Application (Slides)

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Old 09-23-2007
Getting Started in CEP: How to Build an Event Processing Application (Slides)

Tim Bass
Sun, 23 Sep 2007 16:21:48 +0000
Many of you have asked me for a copy of my slides from the Gartner Event Processing Symposium last week.** Here they are:
Getting Started in CEP: How to Build an Event Processing Application
Thank you for all the kind words after the presentation!
I’ll post some of my reflections on the meeting soon.

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Event::generic(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				       Event::generic(3pm)

Event::generic - generic event handling SYNOPSIS
use Event::generic; $source = Event::generic::Source->new; $w = Event->generic(source => $source, ...); $w = $source->watch(...); $source = $w->source; $w->source($source); $source->event; $source->event($data); $data = $event->data; DESCRIPTION
This module provides a watcher type within the "Event" framework. You must understand the architecture of the "Event" system in order to understand this document. This module provides a system of reified event sources and watchers watching those sources. Events are generated solely by a method on the event source object. The events may carry arbitrary data to the event handler callbacks. This module is intended for situations where the events of interest are best determined by Perl code. CLASSES
Event::generic::Source A reified event source. Event::generic A watcher that can watch "Event::generic::Source" event sources. Event::Event::Dataful A (target) event that can carry arbitrary data. EVENT SOURCE CLASS
Constructor Event::generic::Source->new Creates and returns a new event source. Methods $source->event $source->event(DATA) The invocation of this method is a source event for watchers of the event source. When this method is called, each active watcher of the event source generates a target event. The DATA, if supplied, is copied into the target event objects, from which it can be retrieved using the "data()" method. $source->watch(ATTR => VALUE, ...) Generates and returns a new watcher, configured to watch this event source. The standard watcher attributes may be specified as arguments. The watcher returned is an ordinary "Event::generic", and may be reconfigured to watch a different event source. WATCHER CLASS
Type-specific attributes source => $source The event source to watch. This must be either an "Event::generic::Source" object or "undef". When set to "undef", no source is being watched, and the watcher cannot be started. EVENT CLASS
Type-specific methods $event->data Returns the data associated with the event, which may be any scalar. This is read-only, and is set by the event source. SEE ALSO
Event perl v5.14.2 2007-05-22 Event::generic(3pm)