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In CD the version is rsct.basic.rte. and the pre-requisists is rsct.basic.rte. In others words I don't have this version in my CD and I'm finding in the FIx Central from IBM.
A version "x.y.0.0" is a so-called "base-level" fileset. You need to have this installed to install any updates to it (the versions x.y.1.0, x.y.2.0, etc.). Base-level filesets are never offered at Fixdist Central, because you could download the complete OS from there then. At Fixdist only
update filesets are offered, which you could install if you have the base-level fileset available.
Probably you have not a real installation CD, but some update CD. This would explain that you have only the update of rsct.basic, but not the base-level fileset.
Search the other CDs you have, maybe the fileset will be there (it might be named "rsct.basic.rte.", the "I" meaning initial). If you cant find the original CD set ask your IBM representative, s/he should be able to provide such a CD on relatively short notice or should be able to organize the fileset (if you really need only this one) being sent to you by mail.
I hope this helps.