10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. AIX
i am able to login to AX server thru console but not able to login directly thru server.
also the server is not ping-able with other server.
filesystem is fine. and OS version is AIX 5.3.
please let me know if you need any specific log.
thx in advance.
Scriptor (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: scriptor
2 Replies
2. AIX
Hi there, I am a newbie in AIX. I have reboot the AIX today and then the CDE login screen disappear. :eek:I have reboot several times and still it only shows the terminal (lft0) with only green characters and black screen:confused:. Anyway I can have the CDE login screen back?:confused:
Also, as... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: sunnytai
5 Replies
3. AIX
I want to learn AIX. I would like to find someone who would be willing to give me a login to their AIX home lab server. My intent is to poke around and discover the similarities and differences of AIX compared to other *NIXs.
I am a UNIX admin so I can think of what some immediate concerns may... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: perl_in_my_shel
1 Replies
4. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi, can somebody please, please help me?
After a power loss and server restart my server running AIX 4.2.2 could not boot. Following the procedure in my user guide
I checked the hd's with
# fsck -y /dev/hd1
# fsck -y /dev/hd2
# fsck -y /dev/hd3
# fsck -y /dev/hd4
# fsck -y /dev/hd9var
... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: semso
4 Replies
5. AIX
Hi, can somebody please, please help me?
After a power loss and server restart my server running AIX 4.2.2 could not boot. Following the procedure in my user guide
I checked the hd's with
# fsck -y /dev/hd1
# fsck -y /dev/hd2
# fsck -y /dev/hd3
# fsck -y /dev/hd4
# fsck -y /dev/hd9var
I... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: semso
0 Replies
6. AIX
1) when user login to the server the session got colosed. How will resolve?
2) While firing the command ls -l we are not able to see the any files in the director. but over all view the file system using the command df -g it is showing 91% used. what will be the problem?
Thanks in advance. (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: pernasivam
1 Replies
7. AIX
Aix version 5.2.
We restarted the server last night. after that we are not able to login from the workstations. we are just able to login in the console.
when we try to login thru' netterm or telnet it gives the following error.
"password required, but none set".
We are able to ping... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: mjdarm
1 Replies
8. AIX
Hello Guys,
I am working on AIX 5306,when I ssh on to the server it just hangs.but I can still run commands remotely through ssh without logging in to the server.
I am not able to find out the problem,it's not only ssh even the telnet or normal login does not want to work it just hangs.when I... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: noori
6 Replies
9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Was OK on AIX5.2. Have installed AIX 5.3 ML02 and now only root can log in. Other users get "You are not allowed to login at this time." Once in as root, it's possible to su or 'su -' to other users. All user parameters are OK. (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: skinthegoat
0 Replies
10. AIX
only wanted to know .. if I have some tivoli jobs running with different user .. will this mean that everytime the job invokes .. the .profile runs for that user ... or is it that the .profile runs only at explicit LOGINs ...
e.g if a cron calls a job under some user, does it run the .profile of... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: rajesh_149
1 Replies