4.3.3 restore from file

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Operating Systems AIX 4.3.3 restore from file
# 8  
Old 11-22-2007
Sean, I'm glad you got it working.

As you discovered, the problem with restoring a non-tape (or CD) mksysb is that it lacks the boot image. So if you just want to restore the files, you must first boot the system using the same ML as the backup, or else you run into the binary-mismatch errors you observed.

The best way to restore one of these backups is to use a NIM server, which can create a boot image from the files in the mksysb backup file. (Hmmm, but I think you'd need a NIM server at AIX53 minimum...)
# 9  
Old 11-29-2007
I have been trying to convince the 'powers that be' to upgrade the unix side to AIX53 but up until recently they (unix boxes) have not been seeing much use. Now things have changed again and hopefully we will start moving in that direction... Thanks for the help.
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