Message redirected from syslog

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Operating Systems AIX Message redirected from syslog
# 1  
Old 03-19-2014
Message redirected from syslog

Hi. recently in many of our lpars we are getting a message in errpt as "C6ACA566 0315094014 U S dtc MESSAGE REDIRECTED FROM SYSLOG".

I have also checked the /etc/syslog.conf file. It doesn't point to error log.

Can someone please advise about how to fix this error ?

pmut3:/> errpt -aj C6ACA566 | pg
LABEL:          SYSLOG

Date/Time:       Sat 15 Mar 09:40:24 2014
Sequence Number: 131800
Machine Id:      00C806F04C00
Node Id:         pmut3
Class:           S
Type:            UNKN
Resource Name:   dtc


User Causes

        Recommended Actions

Detail Data
dtc: NOTICE:Dynamic activation: stopped capturing IO of block major device: 35.

pmut3:/> cat /etc/syslog.conf | grep -i err
#       emerg/panic,alert,crit,err(or),warn(ing),notice,info,debug

# 2  
Old 03-19-2014
Can you show us all the active entries in syslog.conf please. There may be a *.debug or other level that also captures these messages. Something like:-
cut -f1 -d "#" /etc/syslog.conf | grep -v "^$"

.... should give us the active information stripping out the comments.

Thanks, in advance,
# 3  
Old 03-19-2014
Just now checked. Seems all the lines are commented in the server.

pmut3:/> cat /etc/syslog.conf
# @(#)34        1.11  src/bos/etc/syslog/syslog.conf, cmdnet, bos530 4/27/04 14:47:53
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# bos530 src/bos/etc/syslog/syslog.conf 1.11
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988,1989
# All Rights Reserved
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
# COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDNET) Network commands.
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988, 1989
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
# /etc/syslog.conf - control output of syslogd
# Each line must consist of two parts:-
# 1) A selector to determine the message priorities to which the
#    line applies
# 2) An action.
# Each line can contain an optional part:-
# 3) Rotation.
# The fields must be separated by one or more tabs or spaces.
# format:
# <msg_src_list> <destination> [rotate [size <size> k|m] [files <files>] [time <time> h|d|w|m|y] [compress] [archive <archive>]]
# where <msg_src_list> is a semicolon separated list of <facility>.<priority>
# where:
# <facility> is:
#       * - all (except mark)
#       mark - time marks
#       kern,user,mail,daemon, auth,... (see syslogd(AIX Commands Reference))
# <priority> is one of (from high to low):
#       emerg/panic,alert,crit,err(or),warn(ing),notice,info,debug
#       (meaning all messages of this priority or higher)
# <destination> is:
#       /filename - log to this file
#       username[,username2...] - write to user(s)
#       @hostname - send to syslogd on this machine
#       * - send to all logged in users
# [rotate [size <size> k|m] [files <files>] [time <time> h|d|w|m|y] [compress] [archive <archive>]] is:
#       If <destination> is a regular file and the word "rotate" is
#       specified, then the <destination> is limited by either
#       <size> or <time>, or both <size> and <time>. The <size> causes
#       the <destination> to be limited to <size>, with <files> files
#       kept in the rotation. The <time> causes the <destination> to be rotated after
#       <time>. If both <time> and <size> are specified then logfiles
#       will be rotated once the the logfile size exceeds the <size>
#       or after <time>, whichever is earlier. The rotated filenames
#       are created by appending a period and a number to <destination>,
#       starting with ".0".
#       If compress option is specified then the logfile names will be
#       generated with a ".Z" extension. The files keyword will be applicable
#       to the logfiles which are currently under rotation. For example
#       if we specify the compress option then only fileis with ".Z" extension
#       will be under rotation and number of such files will be limited by
#       <files> files. Any logfiles with an extension other than ".Z"
#       will not be under the rotation scheme and thus will not be within
#       the limit of <files> files. Similarly if we remove the compress
#       option then the files which have been generated with ".Z" extension
#       will no longer be the part of rotation scheme and will not be limited
#       by the <files> files.
#       The minimum size that can be specified is 10k, the minimum
#       number of files that can be specified is 2. The default
#       size is 1m (meg) and the default for <files> is unlimited.
#       Therefore, if only "rotate" is specified, the log will be
#       rotated with <size> = 1m.
#       The compress option means that rotated log files that are not
#       in use will be compressed.
#       The archive option will save rotated log files that are not
#       in use to <archive>.
#       The default is not to rotate log files.
# example:
# "mail messages, at debug or higher, go to Log file. File must exist."
# "all facilities, at debug and higher, go to console"
# "all facilities, at crit or higher, go to all users"
#  mail.debug           /usr/spool/mqueue/syslog
#  *.debug              /dev/console
#  *.crit                       *
#  *.debug              /tmp/syslog.out     rotate size 100k files 4
#  *.crit               /tmp/syslog.out     rotate time 1d

# 4  
Old 03-19-2014
Did you take a look at the running syslogd process to make sure it's not configured to point to an alternate configuration (-f) file?

ps -elf | grep [s]yslog

# 5  
Old 03-19-2014
Below is the output:
pmut3:/> ps -elf | grep syslog
  240001 A     root 372980 217198   0  60 20 58269480   340            12 Mar      -  0:00 /usr/sbin/syslogd

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