How to get power6 power FRU?

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Operating Systems AIX How to get power6 power FRU?
# 1  
Old 09-05-2013
How to get power6 power FRU?

how to get power6 power FRU?

the power5 can get by this command:
lscfg -vp | grep -p 'AC PS'  | grep FRU

however, the power6 machine cannot get any info for that command.


Last edited by Scott; 09-05-2013 at 07:43 PM.. Reason: Code tags
# 2  
Old 09-05-2013
Hmm, makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Have you tried something like running
lscfg -vp

and then looking through the result to see if you can spot something like a power supply?

Or even looking on the IBM infocenter web site for the PSU FRU for your machine?
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