Performance issues for LPAR with GPFS 3.4

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Operating Systems AIX Performance issues for LPAR with GPFS 3.4
# 1  
Old 08-16-2011
Performance issues for LPAR with GPFS 3.4


We have GPFS 3.4 Installed on two AIX 6.1 Nodes. We have 3 GPFS Mount points:

/abc01 4TB (Comprises of 14 x 300GB disks from XIV SAN)
/abc02 4TB (Comprises of 14 x 300GB disks from XIV SAN)
/abc03 1TB ((Comprises of Multiple 300GB disks from XIV SAN)

Now these 40 something disks have been assigned from XIV to VIOS and from VIOS to "one" vhost.

We have Oracle RAC installed and facing 100% disk busy in topas. degraded performance. I had changed the q_depth to 32 for all disks in both LPAR and VIOS.

MaxFilesToCache GPFS parameter is set to 5000 but still no improvement. I guess I should have created more VSCSIs and mapped these disks on the LPAR with multiple VHOSTS. Is this the issue? If it is:

Then is it possible to unassign some of the disks from one vhost and assign the remaining disks to new vhost and still have the data there on the disks? Oracle RAC shouldnt behave abnormally i guess?



# 2  
Old 08-24-2011

You are using the latest TL for AIX 6.1? how about the firmware? Do you forward this to IBM support for snap analysis?
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