AIX to access Windows share

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Operating Systems AIX AIX to access Windows share
# 8  
Old 06-16-2011
Once you have the "bos.cifs_fs" fileset installed, this is the command to mount the Windows share:
mount -v cifs -n rmt_hostname/rmt_user/rmte_password /rmt_share /mnt/windows

If you want it to auto-mount at boot time, use the "mkcifsmnt" command. It will add an entry into your /etc/filesystems file. If you are authenticating be sure to use a the "-w yourdomain" argument or you will never get it to authenticate (I speak from experience). Also, once your entry is in the /etc/filesystems file, you need to add the password to the "nodename" line like this and it should automount after reboots.
nodename    =

# 9  
Old 06-17-2011
Originally Posted by kirkb
So No Samba required for AIX to access Windows share? Was told conflicing views. It was my understanding that Samba would only be requred if Windows needed to access files on a AIX sever, not in the direction I note (AIX to access Windows share). Is the previous correct?
You might want to read this posting for a short explanation on how Samba, NFS, TCP/IP and NetBIOS are all connected.

I hope this helps.

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