I am using the Korn shell in Solaris 2.6. Are there native functions/utilities or 3rd party shareware avaliable to page me from a shell script? If so, can you provide a sample script?
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Thanks. (4 Replies)
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Regards antman (9 Replies)
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SHCOMP(1) Korn shell utilities SHCOMP(1)
shcomp - compile a shell script
shcomp [ options ] [infile [outfile]]
Unless -D is specified, shcomp takes a shell script, infile, and creates a binary format file, outfile, that ksh can read and execute with
the same effect as the original script.
Since aliases are processed as the script is read, alias definitions whose value requires variable expansion will not work correctly.
If -D is specified, all double quoted strings that are preceded by $ are output. These are the messages that need to be translated to
locale specific versions for internationalization.
If outfile is omitted, then the results will be written to standard output. If infile is also omitted, the shell script will be read from
standard input.
[D dictionary] Generate a list of strings that need to be placed in a message catalog for internationalization. [n noexec] Displays warn-
ing messages for obsolete or non-conforming constructs. [v verbose] Displays input from infile onto standard error as it reads it.
Successful completion.
An error occurred.
shcomp (AT&T Research) 2003-03-02
David Korn <dgk@research.att.com>
Copyright (c) 1982-2010 AT&T Intellectual Property
2003-03-02 SHCOMP(1)