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Full Discussion: Fail tail algorithm
Top Forums Programming Fail tail algorithm Post 90427 by foureightyeast on Tuesday 22nd of November 2005 02:59:06 PM
Old 11-22-2005
Fail tail algorithm

I am currently working on code that simulates a file tail algorithm since the only way to retrieve the required information is from within a file, and this information needs to be retrieved in as close to real time as possible when the event enters the file. I cannot use system("tail <options>") directly since the file contents have to be read, parsed, and formatted into a different format on the screen.

Currently, the algorithm I am employing is to open the current file (I determine which file is the most recent by constantly polling the date of the files in this directory), "attach" to that file, then read to an end file delimiter, formatting and spitting the output as I go. Once I reach this end file delimiter, I rewind by the length of the delimiter, sleep about 10 ms using nanosleep(), then go back and read again. Unfortunately, the other end user who writes to file doesn't provide any semaphore blocking between the writes, so sometimes my reads don't always grab all the data the first time, and since this file is maintained by another programmer and are unwilling to add a blocking event for me, I've had trouble on/off trying to find the best time between not spiking the CPU, keeping up with the reads fast enough if a lot of data spits through, and also with the on/off problem of not reading all the data in one pass.

I've seemed to notice UNIX's tail has the same problems with not reading in all the data sometimes and some of the lines are not complete depending on the timing, so there doesn't really seem to be any way around that without some kind of synchronization, which I know won't happen since our third party vendors are always very stubborn to change. What I would like to improve though, is the way the file polling is done. While my task doesn't consume a lot of CPU, it still consumes a larger amount than other tasks, and I've tried to use select() which doesn't appear to work on file descriptors for acutal files. Select() never blocks, but keeps returning right away. Is there a "best time" that anyone knows about from UNIX's tail, how long they wait for each poll?

Thanks for your interest in replying:

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MTAIL(1)							   User Commands							  MTAIL(1)

mtail - tail variant designed for web developers monitoring logfiles SYNOPSIS
mtail [options] <file>... DESCRIPTION
MonkeyTail allows a user to tail multiple files on both local and remote hosts and clearly marks inactivity by putting 5 newlines in the output whenever a pause in output over 3 seconds is detected. MonkeyTail is implemented a fairly simple wrapper script around standard tail, ssh, and sudo. OPTIONS
-q Quiet mode --quiet " " -n Output the last N lines of each file before tailing (defaults to 0) <file>... Files to tail. These can specified in the following ways: @<groupname> - expands the group (from .mtailrc) to a list of files to tail <filename> - tails a local file. +<filename> - attempts to sudo and tail a local file (will prompt for pwd if required). <remotehost>:<filename> - attempts to invoke tail via ssh on a remote host. +<remotehost>:<filename> - attempts to invoke sudo tail via ssh on a remote host (will prompt for pwd if required). SEE ALSO
mtailrc(5), tail(1) AUTHOR
Martyn Smith <martyn@dollyfish.net.nz> mtail May 2008 MTAIL(1)
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