we have an unix system which has
load average normally about 20.
but while i am running a particular unix batch which performs heavy
operations on filesystem and database average load
reduces to 15.
how can we explain this situation?
while running that batch idle cpu time is about %60-65... (0 Replies)
Hello all, I have a question about load averages.
I've read the man pages for the uptime and w command for two or three different flavors of Unix (Red Hat, Tru64, Solaris). All of them agree that in the output of the 2 aforementioned commands, you are given the load average for the box, but... (3 Replies)
Hello, Here is the output of top command. My understanding here is,
the load average 0.03 in last 1 min, 0.02 is in last 5 min, 0.00 is in last 15 min.
By seeing this load average, When can we say that, the system load averge is too high?
When can we say that, load average is medium/low??... (8 Replies)
i have installed solaris 10 on t-5120 sparc enterprise.
I am little surprised to see load average of 2 or around on this OS.
when checked with ps command following process is using highest CPU. looks like it is running for long time and does not want to stop, but I do not know... (5 Replies)
Hello AlL,..
I want from experts to help me as my load average is increased and i dont know where is the problem !!
this is my top result :
root@a4s # top
top - 11:30:38 up 40 min, 1 user, load average: 3.06, 2.49, 4.66
Mem: 8168788k total, 2889596k used, 5279192k free, 47792k... (3 Replies)
Hi ,
I am using 48 CPU sunOS server at my work.
The application has facility to check the current load average before starting a new process to control the load.
Right now it is configured as 48. So it does mean that each CPU can take maximum one proces and no processe is waiting.
... (2 Replies)
I am getting a high load average, around 7, once an hour. It last for about 4 minutes and makes things fairly unusable for this time.
How do I find out what is using this. Looking at top the only thing running at the time is md5sum.
I have looked at the crontab and there is nothing... (10 Replies)
Here we go....
..... so in a galaxy far, far, far away from commercial, data sharing corporations.....
For this project, I used the ESP-WROOM-32 as an MQTT (publish / subscribe) client which receives Linux server "load averages" as messages published as MQTT pub/sub messages.... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: Neo
6 Replies
sag(1) User Commands sag(1)NAME
sag - system activity graph
sag [-e time] [-f file] [-i sec] [-s time] [-T term] [-x spec] [-y spec]
The sag utility graphically displays the system activity data stored in a binary data file by a previous sar(1) run. Any of the sar data
items may be plotted singly or in combination, as cross plots or versus time. Simple arithmetic combinations of data may be specified. sag
invokes sar and finds the desired data by string-matching the data column header (run sar to see what is available). The sag utility
requires a graphic terminal to draw the graph, and uses tplot(1) to produce its output. When running Solaris 2.x and OpenWindows, perform
the following steps:
1. Run an "xterm" as a Tektronics terminal: prompt# xterm -t
2. In the "xterm" window, run sag specifying a tek terminal: prompt# sag -T tek options
The following options are supported and passed through to sar (see sar(1)):
-e time Select data up to time. Default is 18:00.
-f file Use file as the data source for sar. Default is the current daily data file /usr/adm/sa/sadd.
-i sec Select data at intervals as close as possible to sec seconds.
-s time Select data later than time in the form hh[:mm]. Default is 08:00.
-T term Produce output suitable for terminal term. See tplot(1) for known terminals. Default for term is $TERM.
-x spec x axis specification with spec in the form:
name[op name]...[lo hi]
name is either a string that will match a column header in the sar report, with an optional device name in square brackets, for
example, r+w/s[dsk-1], or an integer value. op is + - * or / surrounded by blank spaces. Up to five names may be specified.
Parentheses are not recognized. Contrary to custom, + and - have precedence over * and /. Evaluation is left to right. Thus,
A/A+B*100 is evaluated as (A/(A+B))*100, and A+B/C+D is (A+B)/(C+D). lo and hi are optional numeric scale limits. If unspecified,
they are deduced from the data.
Enclose spec in double-quotes ("") if it includes white space.
A single spec is permitted for the x axis. If unspecified, time is used.
-y spec y axis specification with spec in the same form as for -x. Up to 5 spec arguments separated by a semi-colon (;) may be given for
-y. The -y default is:
Example 1: Examples of the sag command.
To see today's CPU utilization:
example$ sag
To see activity over 15 minutes of all disk drives:
example$ TS=`date +%H:%M`
example$ sar -o /tmp/tempfile 60 15
example$ TE=`date +%H:%M`
example$ sag -f /tmp/tempfile -s $TS -e $TE -y "r+w/s[dsk]"
/usr/adm/sa/sadd daily data file for day dd
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
|Availability |SUNWaccu |
SEE ALSO sar(1), tplot(1), attributes(5)SunOS 5.10 4 Mar 1998 sag(1)