I have a html file called myfile. If I simply put "cat myfile.html" in UNIX, it shows all the html tags like <a href=r/26><img src="http://www>. But I want to extract only text part.
Same problem happens in "type" command in MS-DOS.
I know you can do it by opening it in Internet Explorer,... (4 Replies)
Hai friends
I have a small doubt..
how can we use html tag in shell scripting
code :
echo "<html>"
echo "<body>"
echo " welcome to peace world "
echo "</body>"
echo "</html>"
output displayed like this:
welcome to peace world
</html> (5 Replies)
hi all,
i have a html file something similar to this.
<tr class="evenrow">
<td class="data">added</td><td class="data">xyz@abc.com</td>
<td class="data">filename.sql</td><td class="modifications-data">08/25/2009 07:58:40</td><td class="data">Added TK prof script</td>
<tr... (1 Reply)
I have a bunch of HTML files, which I want to parse to CSV files. Every page has a table in it, and I need to parse each row into a csv record.
With awk and sed, I managed to put every table row in separate lines. So my file looks like this:
<TR> .... </TR>
<TR> .... </TR>
...One... (1 Reply)
I have a little script that I got of the internet and that I use in Squid to block ads.
I used that script with linux but now i have moved my servers to freebsd. I have a step learning curve there but it is fun: Back to the script issue.
The script used to work i with linux but... (15 Replies)
I have an XML tag like this:
<property name="agent" value="/var/tmp/root/eclipse" />
Is there way using awk that i can get the value from the above tag. So the output should be:
Help will be appreciated.
Adi (6 Replies)
I want to print from <fruits> to </fruits> tag which have <fruit> as mango. Also i want both <fruits> and </fruits> in output. Please help
<fruit id="111">mango<fruit>
another 20 lines
</fruits> (3 Replies)
Hi Guys
Here is my Input :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xn:MeContext id="01736">
<xn:VsDataContainer id="01736">
... (12 Replies)
I want to clean a html file.
I try to remove the script part in the html and remove the rest of tags and empty lines.
The code I try to use is the following:
sed '/<script/,/<\/script>/d' webpage.html | sed -e 's/<*>//g' | sed '/^\s*$/d' > output.txt
However, in this method, I can not... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: YuhuiFeng
10 Replies
XmStringTableParseStringArray(library call) XmStringTableParseStringArray(library call)
XmStringTableParseStringArray -- A convenience function that converts an array of strings to a compound string table
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
XmStringTable XmStringTableParseStringArray(
XtPointer *strings,
Cardinal count,
XmStringTag tag,
XmTextType type,
XmParseTable parse,
Cardinal parse_count,
XtPointer call_data);
XmStringTableParseStringArray takes an array of strings, allocates an XmStringTable with an equal number of slots, calls XmStringParseText
on each string in strings, and inserts the resulting XmString in the corresponding slot in the XmStringTable.
strings Specifies an array of strings of characters as determined by type.
count Specifies the number of strings in strings.
tag Specifies the tag to be used in creating the result. The type of tag created (charset or locale) depends on the type of the text
and the value given. If the value specified is NULL, and type indicates that a charset tag should be created, then the tag will
have the value of XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG. If type indicates a locale tag, then the tag will have the value of
type Specifies the type of text to be passed in and the type of tag. If the type is either XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT or XmWIDECHAR_TEXT, a
locale tag should be created. If the type is XmCHARSET_TEXT, a charset tag will be created.
parse Specifies the parse table to be used.
Specifies the number of entries in the parse table.
call_data Specifies data to be passed to the parse procedures.
Returns a new XmStringTable. The function allocates space to hold the XmStringTable. When the application no longer needs the returned
XmStringTable, the application should call XmStringFree count times (that is, one time for each returned compound string) and then call
XtFree to deallocate the XmStringTable itself.
RELATED XmStringFree(3) and XmTabList(3).
XmStringTableParseStringArray(library call)