Installation of virt-manager while yum update and yum install rhvm does not work
I have downloaded RHEV-H 4.2
Red Hat Virtualization - Red Hat Customer Portal (RHVirtualization 4.2 Host and Manager iso). I uploaded the image and installed on an HP G9 server baremetal.
I found I dont have a WAN/net connectivity later on HPG9 server. How can I still install virt-manager on that machine??
Is it like virt-manager has to be in the same machine HP G9 ?
Can virt-manager be installed in a VM guest in my desktop that can help manage the hypervisor installed in HP G9 server?
Or should I download some virt-manager 4.2 pkgs on my laptop, upload it to HP G9 server and then start virt-manager installation??
Please answer what should be the best and feasible approach...
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yum-utils(1) yum-utils(1)
yum-utils - tools for manipulating repositories and extended package management
debuginfo-install - install debuginfo packages and their dependencies
find-repos-of-install - report which repository the package was installed from
needs-restarting - report process ids that started running before they or some component they use were updated
package-cleanup - manage package cleanup, duplicates, orphaned packages and outstanding dependency problems
repo-graph - outputs a full package dependency list in dot format
repo-rss - generates an RSS feed from one or more repositories
repoclosure - reads metadata of repositories, checks dependencies and displays list of unresolved dependencies
repodiff - takes two or more repositories, returns a list of added, removed or changed packages
repomanage - manages a directory of rpm packages, returns a list of newest or oldest packages in a directory
repoquery - query yum repositories and get additional information on the them
reposync - synchronize a remote yum repository to a local directory using yum to retrieve packages
repotrack - track packages and its dependencies and downloads them
show-changed-rco - list of changes to a package Requires, Conflicts and Obsoletes data from installed to a specified rpm file
show-installed - gives a compact description of packages installed and makes use of comps groups in repositories
verifytree - verify that a local yum repository is consistent
yum-builddep - installs missing dependencies to build a specified package
yum-complete-transaction - finds incomplete or aborted yum transactions and attempts to complete them
yum-config-manager - toggle yum repositories, add new repositories and set main yum configuration options
yum-debug-dump - creates gzipped file containing information for debugging problems
yum-debug-restore - replays any transactions captured in gzipped file in yum shell
yum-groups-manager - create and edit yum's group metadata
yum-installed - print a compact package list making use of comps groups
yumdb - query or alter the yum database
yumdownloader - downloads packages from yum repositories including source RPMs
yum-utils is a collection of tools and programs for managing yum repositories, installing debug packages, source packages, extended infor-
mation from repositories and administration.
See respective tools for additional help for commands without a manual page
debuginfo-install(1), package-cleanup(1), repodiff(1), repoquery(1), reposync(1), repo-rss(1), show-changed-rco(1), show-installed(1), yum-
downloader(1), yum-builddep(1), yum-debug-dump(1), yum-groups-manager(1), yumdb(8), yum-complete-transaction(8)
Shawn Starr <shawn.starr@rogers.com>
yum-utils August 2011 yum-utils(1)