Hey RavidSingh13,
Your ideas sound pretty good! Maybe give some more details of what you'd like to see? Or anyone else? It sounds like Neo is willing to put these features in.
ii- Let us increase number of levels of members status, currently we have:
2- MODs
3- Forums Advisers
We could add some more levels eg-->
4- Beginner(less than 20 posts or so)
5- experience(may be if someone crosses 100 posts)
So yeah, this sounds pretty good.
Also, other sites have rank/badging systems like you guys are mentioning.
It's your community, so maybe have a little fun with it... and build your own theme...
Like maybe make some Karate belts for certain "Technology Taxonomies".
For example... maybe I'm a Green Belt in "PHP" (taxonomy), maybe RavinderSingh13 is a Brown Belt in "PHP" (taxonomy), Neo is a 3rd Degree Black Belt in "PHP" (taxonomy), and Rasmus Lerdorf is a 10th Degree Black Belt in "PHP" (taxonomy).
Similarly, maybe hicksd8 is a Black Belt in "Android" (taxonomy) and Bakunin is a Black Belt in "Dev Ops" (taxonomy).
Your main ranking system should have some sort of legitimacy to it, so a total Newbie can't be a black belt in it. Maybe different levels of users, get daily "karma points" to spend on quality questions, answers, posts, etc. These "karma points" and other metrics like number of "accepted answers" could help in "leveling up" to a higher karate belt.
Or you could do any leveling system... like typical gold/silver/bronze medal stuff (maybe even map these to certain karate belt levels).
Or even a military ranking system like Sergeant, Major, Colonel, etc
Whatever you guys prefer...
Then maybe, you could also give "badge awards" for cool "one-offs"... Like promotional "badge awards" for things like... "Award Level Founder", "Taxonomy Engineer", "Haloween Jack O Latern" for "answer hero during the week of Haloween".
Just have fun with these!
All these ideas by RavidSingh13 sound like good candidates for "Award Badges":
iv- We could have a dashboard kind of system where let us start award system like:
1- "Monthly/Yearly hero for asking questions"
2- "Monthly/yearly hero for answering"
3- "Monthly/yearly hero for editing/moderating posts."
4- We could take inspiration from SO a bit and could start badge systems for TAGs?(I leave this open for discussion with all here and we could have our own badges NOT copied from some other forums etc but more badges will definitely give KICK to users to involve more, we should take this also as a priority IMHO)
Yeah, the taxonomies seem like a great idea... Maybe a few experts from each of the categories could volunteer to help generate ideas for what their area's "taxonomy structure" should look like?
And yeah, it seems Videos are all the rage these days for learning new Tech. God man, I don't wanna read... I just wanna sit back and sponge up some other smart person's knowledge! Maybe try a few Video Tutorials? Maybe even create a "Bounty System" to donate one's "karma points" for that killer video or even text-based walk-through you wish you could see! And other members could "Like" that same "bounty item", and they could up-vote or down-vote that bounty item or even donate their points to it too... Sounds like a new good Award Badge could be "Bounty Mercenary Ace" haha.
Another thing to consider with Video tutorials is...
Maybe unix.com members don't even need to generate all the content...
Maybe just hyperlink to existing free videos in the public domain, and the unix.com community could moderate/vote on how helpful particular videos are?
Sounds like you guys got some good ideas brewing here!
If you guys really like the community here, then it sounds like the community should help to evolve unix.com
Any thoughts? Lots of different possibilities!
------ Post updated at 11:47 PM ------
I joined this WhatsApp group. Does anyone else want to join? Or use a different chat platform?
Ravidsingh13, want to join a chat?