How do I check if the argument passed to a script is an integer?
I am writting a script that will take to integers and want to be able to check before I go on.
I am using bourne shell.
Thanks in advance (13 Replies)
I am using the while-loop to read a file.
The file has lines with null-terminated strings (words, actually.)
What I have by that reading - just a first word up to '\0'!
I need to have whole string up to 'new line' - (LF, 10#10, 16#A)
What I am doing wrong?
#make file 'grb' with... (6 Replies)
I have the below script in file read_file.ksh if ] || ]
echo "Required one input file"
echo "Enter a file to get char count:"
if ]
echo "valid file"
echo "Not a valid file."
When run as read_file.ksh detail.csv or... (9 Replies)
I have a generic shell script ( to read files (batchJob) with commands in them and execute the commands by reading the batchJob file as below
./ batchJob
batchJob file
... (10 Replies)
i want to write a shell script function that will ftp the files passed in the command line . i have written a shell script for ftp but how will it do for all files passed in command line argument ,
i am passing 4 files as argument
./ file1 file2 file3 file4
code written by me... (5 Replies)
I want to make a script that check for the argument passed to it and generates an error in case any character/string argument passed to it.
I am using below code, but its not working. can anyone help.
if ]; then
echo 'An integer argument is passed to the script hence... (3 Replies)
I have a script.
echo "cur_$1_modify_time"
When I run like
sh /root/script1 jj
I expect value "Hello" being assigned to variable "cur_jj_modify_time" and output being "Hello" ie echoing $cur_jj_modify_time
But the output comes as
# sh... (3 Replies)
Extremely new to Perl scripting, but need a quick fix without using TEXT::CSV
I need to read in a file, pass any delimiter as an argument, and convert it to bar delimited on the output. In addition, enclose fields within double quotes in case of any embedded delimiters.
Any help would... (2 Replies)
Hi Experts,
I have been trying to work on a simple shell script that will just add the two argument passed to it. Here is what i tried :
echo "Welcome to this Progg. which will accept two parameter"
echo "Number of argument passed is... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: mukulverma2408
4 Replies
mongoimport - the Mongo import tool
mongoimport [OPTIONS]
mongoimport is a tool to import a MongoDB collection from JSON, CSV, or TSV. The query can be filtered or a list of fields to input can be
--help show usage information
-h, --host HOST
server to connect to (default HOST=localhost)
-d, --db DATABASE
database to use
collection to use (some commands)
--dbpath PATH
directly access mongod data files in this path, instead of connecting to a mongod instance
-v, --verbose
be more verbose (include multiple times for more verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)
-f, --fields NAMES
comma separated list of field names e.g. -f name,age
--fieldFile FILE
file with fields names - 1 per line
load a json array, not one item per line. Currently limited to 4MB.
if given, empty fields in csv and tsv will be ignored
--type TYPE
type of file to import. default: json (json,csv,tsv)
--file FILE
file to import from; if not specified stdin is used
--drop drop collection first
CSV,TSV only - use first line as headers
Copyright 2007-2009 10gen
For more information, please refer to the MongoDB wiki, available at
Kristina Chodorow
10gen January 2010 MONGOIMPORT(1)