So, I need to do some summing. I have an Apache log file with the following as a typical line: - frank "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326
Now, what I'd like to do is a per-minute sum. So, I can have awk tell me the individual minutes, preserving the dates(since this is a... (7 Replies)
i am new to scripting. i have a file file.dat with content as :
/storage_01 64% 0
/storage_02 17% 1
I need to update the value of FLAG for a particular CONTENT_STORAGE value
I have written the following code
threshold=20... (1 Reply)
If $1 in file1 matches $2 in file2. Then the value in $2 of file2 is updated to $1"."$2 of file2. The awk seems to only match the two files but not update. Thank you :).
awk 'NR==FNR{A ; next} $1 in A { $2 = a }1' file1 file2
name version
NM_000593 5
NM_001257406... (3 Replies)
I am trying to use awk to match two files that are tab-delimited. When a match is found between file1 $1 and file2 $4, $4 in file2 is updated using the $2 value in file1. If no match is found then the next line is processed. Thank you :).
uc001bwr.3 ADC
uc001bws.3 ADC... (4 Replies)
I am trying to output a tab-delimited result that uses the data from a tab-delimited file to combine and subtract specific lines.
If $4 matches in each line then the first matching sequential $6 value is added to $2, unless the value is 1, then the original $2 is used (like in the case of line... (3 Replies)
In the awk below I am trying to set/update the value of $14 in file2 in
bold, using the matching NM_ in $12 or $9 in file2
with the NM_ in $2 of file1.
The lengths of $9 and $12 can be variable but what is consistent is the start pattern
will always be NM_ and the end pattern is always ;... (2 Replies)
In the perl below, which does execute, I am having trouble with the else in Rule 3. The digit in f{8} is extracted and used to update f accordinly along with the value in f.
There can be either - * or + before the number that is extracted but the same logic applies, that is if the value is greater... (5 Replies)
I have been reading old posts and trying to come up with a solution for the below: Use a tab-delimited input file to assign
point to variables that are used to update a specific field, Rank. I really couldn't find too much in the way of assigning points
to variable, but made an attempt at an awk... (4 Replies)
I have an input file with
I would want the value in Second Field (xyz or pqr) updated with a value present in Shell Variable based on the value passed in the first field. (A or B )
while read line
NEW_VALUE = `some functionality done on $line`
If $line=First Field-... (1 Reply)
So awk is driving me crazy on this one. I have searched everywhere and read man, docs and every related post Google can find and still no luck. The actual files I need to run this on are sensitive in nature, but it is the same thing as if I needed to calculate weighted grades for multiple... (15 Replies)
Discussion started by: cotilloe
15 Replies
JOIN(1) General Commands Manual JOIN(1)NAME
join - relational database operator
join [ options ] file1 file2
Join forms, on the standard output, a join of the two relations specified by the lines of file1 and file2. If file1 is `-', the standard
input is used.
File1 and file2 must be sorted in increasing ASCII collating sequence on the fields on which they are to be joined, normally the first in
each line.
There is one line in the output for each pair of lines in file1 and file2 that have identical join fields. The output line normally con-
sists of the common field, then the rest of the line from file1, then the rest of the line from file2.
Fields are normally separated by blank, tab or newline. In this case, multiple separators count as one, and leading separators are dis-
These options are recognized:
-an In addition to the normal output, produce a line for each unpairable line in file n, where n is 1 or 2.
-e s Replace empty output fields by string s.
-jn m Join on the mth field of file n. If n is missing, use the mth field in each file.
-o list
Each output line comprises the fields specified in list, each element of which has the form n.m, where n is a file number and m is a
field number.
-tc Use character c as a separator (tab character). Every appearance of c in a line is significant.
SEE ALSO sort(1), comm(1), awk(1)BUGS
With default field separation, the collating sequence is that of sort -b; with -t, the sequence is that of a plain sort.
The conventions of join, sort, comm, uniq, look and awk(1) are wildly incongruous.
7th Edition April 29, 1985 JOIN(1)