Hello rdrtx1,
I tried your code and I still get the same output.
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Appreciate your inputs
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while IFS="" read r; do
printf "XXX\t%s\n" "$r"
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XXX 2 (3 Replies)
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GEN-CTL-IO(1) libctl GEN-CTL-IO(1)
gen-ctl-io - generate C interface code for libctl control files
gen-ctl-io [OPTION]... [spec-file]
gen-ctl-io generates C code to import/export the input/output variables used in a libctl control file. gen-ctl-io generates files like
ctl-io.h and ctl-io.c. These files define global variables, data structures, and functions for the input/output variables, classes, and
function interfaces defined in the spec-file argument, automating the interaction between C and Guile.
The arguments such as --code and --header are used to control whether ctl-io.c or ctl-io.h, etcetera, are generated. If no argument is
specified then both of these files are generated by default, for backwards compatibility.
libctl is a free library to aid in interfacing scientific software with the GNU Guile scripting and extension language. Documentation for
it may be found online at the libctl home page: http://ab-initio.mit.edu/libctl
--code Generate C (or C++) source code to implement the Guile interface functions. The default output file name is ctl-io.c (in C) or ctl-
io.cpp (in C++).
Generate the header file declaring the interface data types and functions. The default output file name is ctl-io.h (in C) or ctl-
io.hpp (in C++).
--swig Generate a SWIG interface definition file declaring automatic conversions for the various libctl data types. The default output
file name is ctl-io.i.
--cxx Generate C++ code instead of C code.
-o file
Use file as the output file name instead of the defaults (above).
Send bug reports to S. G. Johnson, stevenj@alum.mit.edu.
Written by Steven G. Johnson.
libctl March 27, 2006 GEN-CTL-IO(1)