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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Perl inserting random negative integer Post 302956002 by selvankj on Thursday 24th of September 2015 02:37:15 PM
Old 09-24-2015
Perl inserting random negative integer

Hi All,

i have problem here whenever i run this perl script that is pasted here, it inserts a negative number in place of PO_nbr

What the script does is reads a pipe delimited file and then using some values on the file it will query db to get few other values and then it inserts the data into a table.

the problem is only with the po nbr that is being inserted into ...

and this works fine in Unix only in Linux it inserts a negative value

use strict;

#This is used to flush the log file output after each printf
use FileHandle;
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
use DBI;

#This is used to declare options for your program
#by passing flags on the command line like -d -f
use Getopt::Std;

use Time::Local;

#Declare global variables.
my %opt = ();
my $program_name="dryrcvg_palletload";
my $log_file = "/u/spool/07/$program_name.LOG"; #name will change later
my $db_name_one="store_receiving";
my $input_file = "";
my $cur_date;
my $cur_time;
my $rc = 0;

#Declare global variables.
my %opt = ();
my $program_name="dryrcvg_palletload";
my $log_file = "/u/spool/07/$program_name.LOG"; #name will change later
my $db_name_one="store_receiving";
my $input_file = "";
my $cur_date;
my $cur_time;
my $rc = 0;

#Declare global SQL handlers.
my $db_conn;
my $select_pack_receiving;
my $insert_pack_receiving;
my $update_pack_receiving;
my $insert_pack_rcvg_item;
my $select_pack_rcvg_item;
my $previous_row_item_qty;
my $update_pack_rcvg_item;
my $query_itemupc;
my $query_itemupcxref;
my $query_acctdivnbr;
my $query_vendornbr;
my $query_ponbr;

#Declare a -d  flag for debug mode
#Declare a -f  for file to process
getopts('df:', \%opt);

logh("---------- PROGRAM BEGIN dryrcvg_palletload.pl ----------");

#Only when input files area available proceed further
if (%opt)
          $input_file = $opt{f};
          logh("Input file to be processed: $input_file");
          $rc = db_init($db_name_one);
               $rc = init_prepare_statement($db_name_one);


               logh("Failed to initialize database connection. Exiting program");
          logh("No input file passed. Exiting program");
     logh("No argument supplied. Exiting program");

logh("--------- PROGRAM END dryrcvg_palletload.pl rc [$rc]-------------");


#    name: process_input_data
#    args: Input_file
# returns: none
#   notes: This reads the input file and parse file
sub process_input_data
     logh("BEGIN of process_input_data ");
     my ($input_file) = @_;
     my $l_rc = 0;
     my $input_basename;
     my $move_file_name;
     my $po_nbr_from_invoice = 0;

     open(INPUT_FILE, "< $input_file") or (logh("Can't open $input_file $!") and die);

     logh("d","Successful open of $input_file and start processing records");

     my $pallet_id="";
     my $upc_nbr="";

     while(defined(my $line = <INPUT_FILE>))
          my ($club,$country,$temp_pallet_id,$po,$invoice,$trailer,$item,$item_sequence,
              $receive_method,$weight,$cube,$dc_type) = get_pallet_fields($line);

          logh("d","pallet_id = [$temp_pallet_id]\n
                    Item_Nbr = [$item]\n
                    item_Qty = [$item_qty]\n
                    Store_Delivery = [$store_delivery]\n
                    Club = [$club]\n
                    Country = [$country]\n
                    PO = [$po]\n
                    Invoice = [$invoice]\n
                    Trailer = [$trailer]\n
                    Item_Sequence = [$item_sequence]\n
                    Item_Total_Sequence = [$item_total_sequence]\n
                    Expiry date = [$expiration_date]\n
                    Receive_Method = [$receive_method]\n
                    Weight = [$weight]\n
                    Cube = [$cube]\n
                    DC_Type = [$dc_type] "

          $pallet_id = substr($temp_pallet_id,6);

          logh("d","Stripped Pallet_id = [$pallet_id]");

          #Fetch Base Division Number
          my $base_div_nbr = get_base_div_nbr($club);

          #Fetch Vendor Number and Order Sequence Number.
          my $vendor_nbr = get_vendor_nbr($po);
          my $order_seq_nbr = 0;
          my $receiving_id = 0;
          my $origin_type_code = 0;

          #Get UPC NBR from the given Item number for DRY GLS FEED
          if($invoice == 0)
                $upc_nbr = get_upc($item);

          #IF the Invoice is zero and unable to get UPC in first try then it could be FRESH GLS feed
          if(($upc_nbr eq "") && ($invoice != 0))
               logh("No UPC Found for item[$item] upc_nbr[$upc_nbr]");
               logh("item[".$item."] sub1[".substr($item, 0, 2)."] sub2[".substr($item,(length($item) - 1),1)."] sub3[".substr($item, 2, (length($item) - 3))."]");
               if(   (substr($item, 0, 2) eq "64")
                  && (substr($item, (length($item) - 1), 1) eq "9")
                    $origin_type_code = 2;
                    logh("The value of origin_type_code is [$origin_type_code]");

                    $upc_nbr = get_upc(substr($item, 2, (length($item) - 3)));

                    if($upc_nbr ne "")
                         $item = substr($item, 2, (length($item) - 3));
                         logh("UPC Found for substr[".substr($item, 2, (length($item) - 3))."] upc_nbr[$upc_nbr] item[".$item."]");
                              #Get the PO NBR from Invoice for FRESH GLS FEED
                         $po_nbr_from_invoice = get_po_nbr($invoice);

                         logh(" The PO _nbr from Invoice  is [$po_nbr_from_invoice]");

                         if($po_nbr_from_invoice != 0)
                                $po = $po_nbr_from_invoice ;
                                $po = 0 ;
                         $upc_nbr = "0";
                         logh("UPC NOT Found for Item Number $item, loading without UPC. upc_nbr[$upc_nbr]");
                         #Get the PO NBR from Invoice for FRESH GLS FEED
                         $po_nbr_from_invoice = get_po_nbr($invoice);

                         logh(" The PO _nbr from Invoice  is [$po_nbr_from_invoice]");

                         if($po_nbr_from_invoice != 0)
                                $po = $po_nbr_from_invoice ;
                                $po = 0 ;
               $origin_type_code = 1;
               if($upc_nbr eq "")
                  $upc_nbr = 0 ;


          if($origin_type_code > 0)
               #Invoke Subroutine load_pallet_info to load data in to pack_receiving
               ($l_rc, $receiving_id) = load_pallet_info($origin_type_code, $pallet_id, $country, $base_div_nbr, $club, $vendor_nbr, $order_seq_nbr, $po);
               logh("Returned receiving_id[$receiving_id] l_rc[$l_rc]");
               logh("Skipped load_pallet_info l_rc=[$l_rc]");

               #Invoke subroutine get_upc to retrieve UPC number for given item number
               #$upc_nbr= get_upc($item);

               #if($upc_nbr ne "")
               #     logh("UPC Found for item[$item] upc_nbr[$upc_nbr]");
               #     $upc_nbr = "0";
               #     logh("UPC NOT Found for Item Number $item, loading without UPC. upc_nbr[$upc_nbr]");
               $l_rc = load_pallet_upc($receiving_id, $item, $upc_nbr, $item_qty);

               logh("d", "Proceeding with next record");
               logh("Skipped load_pallet_upc l_rc=[$l_rc]");

        #Resetting the UPC for the next record


     logh("END of process_input_data ");

#    name: load_pallet_info
#    args: pallet_id
# returns: none
#   notes: This inserts the pallet_id into pack_receiving table
sub load_pallet_info
     logh("BEGIN load_pallet_info ");

     my ($origin_type_code, $pallet_id, $country, $base_div_nbr, $club, $vendor_nbr, $order_seq_nbr, $po) = @_;
     my $l_rc = 0;
     my $receiving_id = 0;

     logh("Attempting select from pack_receiving table with pallet_id = [$pallet_id]");
     $select_pack_receiving->execute($origin_type_code, 0, $vendor_nbr, $pallet_id, $order_seq_nbr, $po);
     $receiving_id = $select_pack_receiving->fetchrow_array;
     logh("d", "Selected rows[".$select_pack_receiving->rows."]\n");
     if($select_pack_receiving->rows == 0)
          $receiving_id = 0;
     logh("Serial receiving ID for pallet_id[$pallet_id]: receiving_id[$receiving_id] error[$DBI::err]\n");

     if(($receiving_id == 0) && (!defined($DBI::err)))

          #logh("d","Inserting into pack_receiving table with pallet_id = [$pallet_id]");
          logh("Inserting into pack_receiving table with pallet_id = [$pallet_id]");
          $insert_pack_receiving->execute($origin_type_code, 0, $vendor_nbr, $pallet_id, $order_seq_nbr, $po);
               if(($DBI::err == $SQL_DUPLICATE_CONSTR) || ($DBI::err == $SQL_DUPLICATE_INDEX))
                    logh("Duplicate insert attempted.  Skipping this record");
                    logh("err = [$DBI::err]");
                    logh("err = [$DBI::errstr]");
                    $l_rc = $DBI::err;
                    logh("Error insert pack_receiving for pallet_id with l_rc = [$l_rc]");

               logh("ReAttempting select from pack_receiving table with pallet_id = [$pallet_id]");
               $select_pack_receiving->execute($origin_type_code, 0, $vendor_nbr, $pallet_id, $order_seq_nbr, $po);
                    logh("err = [$DBI::err]");
                    logh("err = [$DBI::errstr]");
                    $l_rc = $DBI::err;
                    logh("Error select ReAttempt from pack_receiving for pallet_id[$pallet_id]. l_rc[$l_rc]");
                    $receiving_id = $select_pack_receiving->fetchrow_array;
                    logh("d", "Selected rows[".$select_pack_receiving->rows."]\n");
                    if($select_pack_receiving->rows == 0)
                         $l_rc += 100;
               logh("Serial receiving ID for pallet_id[$pallet_id]: receiving_id[$receiving_id] l_rc[$l_rc]\n");

          logh("pack_receiving receiving_id= [$receiving_id]");
          logh("Updating pack_receiving table with pallet_id = [$pallet_id]. Marking for audit.");
          $update_pack_receiving->execute($origin_type_code, 0, $vendor_nbr, $pallet_id, $order_seq_nbr, $po);

               logh("err = [$DBI::err]");
               logh("err = [$DBI::errstr]");
               $l_rc = $DBI::err;
               logh("Error updating pack_receiving for pallet_id with l_rc = [$l_rc]");

     logh("END load_pallet_info");
     return(($l_rc, $receiving_id));

#    name: logh
#    args: what will be written to the log file
# returns: none
#   notes: This is the logging function for this script
sub logh
     my $line = shift(@_);
     my $dbg_flg = 0;

     (my $sec, my $min, my $hour, my $mday, my $mon, my $year, my $wday, my $yda, my $isdst) = localtime(time);
     $mon  += 1; $wday += 1; $year += 1900;

     if($line eq "d")
          $line = shift(@_);
          $dbg_flg = 1;

     #if debug mode
     if($opt{d} && $dbg_flg)
           printf LOG_FILE ("%2.2d/%2.2d/%4.4d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d  %s\n",
     #ignore debug statements
          printf LOG_FILE ("%2.2d/%2.2d/%4.4d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d  %s\n",

#    name: init_prepare_statement
#    args: none
# returns: none
#   notes: This will initialise the prepare statement
sub init_prepare_statement
     my ($database_name) = @_ ;
     my $l_rc = 0;

     logh("Begin of init_prepare_statement");

          $select_pack_receiving = $db_conn->prepare(
               SELECT first 1 nvl(receiving_id, 0) as receiving_id
                 FROM }.$database_name.qq{:pack_receiving
                WHERE origin_type_code = ?
                  AND dc_nbr = ?
                  AND vendor_nbr = ?
                  AND pack_nbr = ?
                  AND order_seq_nbr = ?
                  AND po_nbr = ?
                  #AND user_id = "ISD"
                  #AND rcvg_action_code = 0
                  #AND action_reason_code = 0
                  #AND audit_type_code = 0
                  #AND pack_damaged_ind = 0
                  #AND recv_appt_nbr = 0
                  #AND asn_id IS NULL
                  #AND receipt_nbr IS NULL
                  #AND last_upd_pgm_id = "}.$program_name.qq{"

          if( defined($DBI::err))
               logh("err = [$DBI::err]");
               logh("err = [$DBI::errstr]");
               $l_rc = $DBI::err;
               logh("Error prepare select_pack_receiving l_rc = [$l_rc]");

          $insert_pack_receiving = $db_conn->prepare(
               insert into }.$database_name.qq{:pack_receiving
               (origin_type_code, dc_nbr, vendor_nbr, pack_nbr, order_seq_nbr,
                po_nbr, asn_id, user_id, rcvg_action_code, action_reason_code, audit_type_code, pack_damaged_ind,
                recv_appt_nbr, receipt_nbr, rcvg_action_ts, last_upd_pgm_id
               (?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
                ?, NULL, "ISD", 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, NULL, CURRENT, "}.$program_name.qq{"

          if( defined($DBI::err))
               logh("err = [$DBI::err]");
               logh("err = [$DBI::errstr]");
               $l_rc = $DBI::err;
               logh("Error prepare insert_pack_receiving l_rc = [$l_rc]");

          $update_pack_receiving = $db_conn->prepare(
               UPDATE }.$database_name.qq{:pack_receiving
                  SET audit_type_code = 0
                WHERE origin_type_code = ?
                  AND dc_nbr = ?
                  AND vendor_nbr = ?
                  AND pack_nbr = ?
                  AND order_seq_nbr = ?
                  AND po_nbr = ?

          if( defined($DBI::err))
               logh("err = [$DBI::err]");
               logh("err = [$DBI::errstr]");
               $l_rc = $DBI::err;
               logh("Error prepare update_pack_receiving l_rc = [$l_rc]");

     logh("END OF Prepare statemnt initialisation. l_rc[$l_rc]");

#    name: init_global_variables
#    args: none
# returns: none
#   notes:This will initialise the global variables
sub init_global_variables
     $cur_date = `date +'%m%d%y'`;
     $cur_time = `date +'%H%M%S'`;

     $log_file = "/u/spool/07/$program_name.LOG.$cur_date";
     open(LOG_FILE, ">> $log_file") or die "can't open $log_file $!";

     #Set variable to flush after each write to the file

#   name: close_db
#   args: none
#returns: none
#  notes: This will close the db session
sub close_db
     if(defined $db_conn)
          logh("Connection to database is now disconnected");
     logh("END OF close_db");



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