Originally Posted by
And if you can't get it working one way perhaps you can get it working another... Why does your script open so many simultaneous files?
It's a binary executable that I do not have insight on how it works...
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rcsdiff(1) General Commands Manual rcsdiff(1)
rcsdiff - compareRCS revisions
rev1] rev2] file ...
compares two revisions of each given RCS file and creates output very similar to (see diff(1)). A file name ending in is an RCS file name,
otherwise it is a working file name. derives the working file name from the RCS file name and vice versa, as explained in rcsintro(5).
Pairs consisting of both an RCS and a working file name can also be specified.
recognizes the following options:
Same as described in
Same as described in
Same as described in
Same as described in
Generate an edit script of the format used by
Generate a diff with lines of context.
The default is to present 3 lines of context. To change, specify n; for example, gives 10 lines of context.
modifies the output format slightly from the normal diff(1) output. The ``context'' output begins with identification of the
files involved and their creation dates, then each change is separated by a line with a dozen (asterisks). Lines removed from
file1 are marked with (dashes); those added to file2 with (pluses). Lines that are changed from one file to the other are
marked in both files with (exclamation marks).
If both rev1 and rev2 are omitted, compares the latest revision on the trunk with the contents of the corresponding working file. This is
useful for determining what was changed since the last check-in.
If rev1 is given, but rev2 is omitted, compares revision rev1 of the RCS file with the contents of the corresponding working file.
If both rev1 and rev2 are given, compares revisions rev1 and rev2 of the RCS file.
Both rev1 and rev2 can be given numerically or symbolically.
Compare the latest trunk revision of RCS file and the contents of working file
Compare the revisions 1.1 and 1.2 in the RCS file
was developed by Walter F. Tichy.
ci(1), co(1), diff(1), ident(1), rcs(1), rcsmerge(1), rlog(1), rcsfile(4), rcsintro(5).