I have two files one (numbers file)contains the numbers(approximately 30000) and the other file(record file) contains the records(approximately 40000)which may or may not contain the numbers from that file.
I want to seperate the records which has the field 1=(any of the number from numbers... (15 Replies)
Howdy experts,
We have some ranges of number which belongs to particual group as below.
GroupNo StartRange EndRange
Group0125 935300 935399
Group2006 935400 935476
937430 937459
Group0324 935477 935549
... (6 Replies)
Hello all,
I have a data file that needs some serious work...I have no idea how to implement the changes that are needed!
The file is a genotypic file with >64,000 columns representing genetic markers, a header line, and >1100 rows that looks like this:
ID 1 2 3 4 ... (7 Replies)
I have a file with numbers in US notation (1,000,000.00) as well as european notation (1.000.000,00)
i want all the numbers to be in european notation.
the numbers are in a text file, so to prevent that the regex also changes the commas in a sentence/text i thought of:
sed 's/,/\./'... (2 Replies)
Hello All,
I am having problem to find what is the smallest number from 90% of highest numbers from all numbers in file. I am having file with thousands of lines and hundreds of columns.
I am familiar mainly with bash but I am open to whatever suggestion witch will lead to the solutions.
If I... (11 Replies)
Hi friends,
I'm very new to perl and got some requirement.
I've input numbers which has size of 17 characters like below:
I need to convert these numbers from negative to positive and positive... (4 Replies)
Hi, I was wondering if someone would be able to help with extrapolating information from a file and filling an existing matrix with that information.
I have made a matrix like this (file 1):
I have another file with data like this (file 2):
1 A
1 C
3 C
4 B... (1 Reply)
Hi again. Sorry for all the questions — I've tried to do all this myself but I'm just not good enough yet, and the help I've received so far from bartus11 has been absolutely invaluable. Hopefully this will be the last bit of file manipulation I need to do.
I have a file which is formatted as... (4 Replies)
I found and then adapt the code for my pipeline...
awk -F"," -vOFS="," '{printf "%0.2f %0.f\n",$2,$4}' xxx > yyy
I add -F"," -vOFS="," (for input and output as csv file) and I change the columns and the number of decimal...
It works but I have also some problems... here my columns
... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: echo manolis
7 Replies
glCullFace - specify whether front- or back-facing facets can be culled
void glCullFace( GLenum mode )
mode Specifies whether front- or back-facing facets are candidates for culling. Symbolic constants GL_FRONT, GL_BACK, and
GL_FRONT_AND_BACK are accepted. The initial value is GL_BACK.
glCullFace specifies whether front- or back-facing facets are culled (as specified by mode) when facet culling is enabled. Facet culling is
initially disabled. To enable and disable facet culling, call the glEnable and glDisable commands with the argument GL_CULL_FACE. Facets
include triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, and rectangles.
glFrontFace specifies which of the clockwise and counterclockwise facets are front-facing and back-facing. See glFrontFace.
If mode is GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, no facets are drawn, but other primitives such as points and lines are drawn.
GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if mode is not an accepted value.
GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glCullFace is executed between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of glEnd.
glIsEnabled with argument GL_CULL_FACE
glGet with argument GL_CULL_FACE_MODE
SEE ALSO glEnable(3G), glFrontFace(3G)GLCULLFACE(3G)