How can I take the following output:
and turn it into single line ouput, with a single space between each field like below:
outputa outputb outputc (7 Replies)
hey gents,
I'm working on something that will use snmpwalk to query the devices on my network and retreive the device name, device IP, device model and device serial. I'm using Nmap for the enumeration and sed to clean up the results for use by snmpwalk. Once i get all the data organized I'm... (8 Replies)
I have the following data file.
zz=aa azxc-1234 aa=aa
zz=bb azxc-1234 bb=bb
zz=cc azxc-1234 cc=cc
zz=dd azxc-2345 dd=dd
zz=ee azxc-2345 ee=ee
zz=ff azxc-3456 ff=ff
zz=gg azxc-4567 gg=gg
zz=hh azxc-4567 hh=hh
zz=ii azxc-4567 ii=ii
I want to make 2nd field pattern matching multiple lines... (13 Replies)
Hi Guys,
I have an oracle database, I am trying to query the database and route it to file.
But the records instead of coming in a single line, are coming in three lines.
Can you please help me.. in this..
sqlplus -s $SRMUserid/$SRMPassword@$SRMServer<< EOF >log.out;
select * from... (5 Replies)
I did do a search and the past threads doesn't really solve my issue. (using various awk commands)
I need to combine the output from java -version into 1 line, but I am having difficulties.
When you exec java -version, you get:
java version "1.5.0_06"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime... (5 Replies)
My Oracle query is returing below o/p
Ins trnas value
a lkp1 x
a lkp1 y
b lkp1 a
b lkp2 x
b lkp2 y ... (7 Replies)
here is what i want to achieve.. i have a file with below contents
cat fileName
blah blah blah
.DROP this
--sport 7800 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
--dport 7800 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
more blah blah blah
--dport 3306... (14 Replies)
Hi All,
I am reading a line from a file and writing it to other file.
Whenever I got a particular line then I want that line to be splited into 4 line and written it to new file. e.g My line is
U_ABC connector3 pin24E connector4 pin25E connector5 pin26E connector6 pin27E connector7... (2 Replies)
I need to match two patterns in a log file and need to get the next line of the one of the pattern (out of two patterns) that is matched,
finally need to print these three values in a single line.
Sample Log:
2013/06/11 14:29:04 <0999> (725102) Processing batch 02_1231324
2013/06/11... (4 Replies)
example of problem:
when I echo "$e" >> /home/cogiz/file.txt
result prints to file as:AA
I need it to save to file as this:AA BB CC
I know it's probably something really simple but any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
Cogiz (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: cogiz
7 Replies
aha(1) Ansi HTML Adapter aha(1)NAME
aha - Ansi HTML Adapter
aha [options] [-f datei]
aha takes SGR-colored Input and prints W3C conform HTML-Code.
aha reads the Input from a file or stdin and writes HTML-Code to stdout.
OPTIONS --help , -h , -?
A help like this
--black , -b
Black Background and white "standard color"
--pink , -p
Pink Background
--iso X , -i X
Uses ISO 8859-X instead of utf-8. X must be 1..16
--title X , -t X
Gives the html output the title
--line-fix , -l
Uses a fix for inputs using control sequences to change the cursor position like htop. It's a hot fix, it may not work with any pro-
gram like htop. (See EXAMPLE)
aha --help | aha --black --title "the awesome aha help"> aha-help.htm
Creates an HTML file with the help of aha with black background
colordiff oldfile.c newfile.c | aha > colordiff.htm
Creates an HTML file with a colorful diff-output of two files "oldfile.c" and "newfile.c" with white background
ls --color=always | aha --pink > ls.htm
Creates an HTML file with a colorful ls-output with pink background.
echo a | htop | aha --black --line-fix > htop.htm
Creates an HTML file with the output of htop. You have to use --line-fix due the other new-line-commands htop uses.
Copyleft Alexander Matthes aka Ziz 2011
August 31, 2011 aha(1)