Grouping or appending the lines in a file through Unix
I am looking for a way to Group the Lines in a file.. Basically My file structure is something like this
A 1 100 abc def
A 1 200 abc def
A 1 300 abc def
A 2 100 pqr def
A 2 200 pqr def
A 2 300 pqr def
A 1 100 abc def
A 1 200 xyz def
A 1 300 xyz def
I need it as shown below, Its Just to Group All 1s in the 2nd field
A 1 100 abc def
A 1 200 abc def
A 1 300 abc def
A 1 100 abc def
A 1 200 xyz def
A 1 300 xyz def
A 2 100 pqr def
A 2 200 pqr def
A 2 300 pqr def
It would be really great if you can tell me a logic to regroup and remove certain unwanted or duplicate record in the 2nd occurence.. If you see above you can find that "A 1 100 abc def " is repeated twice... I would neeed an output like this
A 1 100 abc def
A 1 200 abc def
A 1 300 abc def
A 1 200 xyz def
A 1 300 xyz def
A 2 100 pqr def
A 2 200 pqr def
A 2 300 pqr def
Let me know if someone has idea on these lines
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d123, rahul, 440
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d234, bajaj, 755
d234, gajal, 657
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d123, rahim, 140
rahul, 440
begum, 340
d234, bajaj, 755
gajal, 657
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B;101;London;City in Europe;0;0;40
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Thanks in advance. (2 Replies)
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file 1
file 2
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I am looking for a way to Group the Lines in a file.. Basically My file structure is something like this
A 1 100 abc def
A 1 200 abc def
A 1 300 abc def
A 2 100 pqr def
A 2 200 pqr def
A 2 300 pqr def
A 1 100 abc def
A 1 200 xyz def
A 1 300 xyz def
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Wed,Logging,out,user,302002654,active,for,0,minutes... (8 Replies)
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str2,"HEX"H,(854548),info... (2 Replies)
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subst(n) Tcl Built-In Commands subst(n)
subst - Perform backslash, command, and variable substitutions
subst ?-nobackslashes? ?-nocommands? ?-novariables? string
This command performs variable substitutions, command substitutions, and backslash substitutions on its string argument and returns the
fully-substituted result. The substitutions are performed in exactly the same way as for Tcl commands. As a result, the string argument
is actually substituted twice, once by the Tcl parser in the usual fashion for Tcl commands, and again by the subst command.
If any of the -nobackslashes, -nocommands, or -novariables are specified, then the corresponding substitutions are not performed. For
example, if -nocommands is specified, command substitution is not performed: open and close brackets are treated as ordinary characters
with no special interpretation.
Note that the substitution of one kind can include substitution of other kinds. For example, even when the -novariables option is speci-
fied, command substitution is performed without restriction. This means that any variable substitution necessary to complete the command
substitution will still take place. Likewise, any command substitution necessary to complete a variable substitution will take place, even
when -nocommands is specified. See the EXAMPLES below.
If an error occurs during substitution, then subst will return that error. If a break exception occurs during command or variable substi-
tution, the result of the whole substitution will be the string (as substituted) up to the start of the substitution that raised the excep-
tion. If a continue exception occurs during the evaluation of a command or variable substitution, an empty string will be substituted for
that entire command or variable substitution (as long as it is well-formed Tcl.) If a return exception occurs, or any other return code is
returned during command or variable substitution, then the returned value is substituted for that substitution. See the EXAMPLES below.
In this way, all exceptional return codes are "caught" by subst. The subst command itself will either return an error, or will complete
When it performs its substitutions, subst does not give any special treatment to double quotes or curly braces (except within command sub-
stitutions) so the script
set a 44
subst {xyz {$a}}
returns "xyz {44}", not "xyz {$a}" and the script
set a "p} q {r"
subst {xyz {$a}}
returns "xyz {p} q {r}", not "xyz {p} q {r}".
When command substitution is performed, it includes any variable substitution necessary to evaluate the script.
set a 44
subst -novariables {$a [format $a]}
returns "$a 44", not "$a $a". Similarly, when variable substitution is performed, it includes any command substitution necessary to
retrieve the value of the variable.
proc b {} {return c}
array set a {c c [b] tricky}
subst -nocommands {[b] $a([b])}
returns "[b] c", not "[b] tricky".
The continue and break exceptions allow command substitutions to prevent substitution of the rest of the command substitution and the rest
of string respectively, giving script authors more options when processing text using subst. For example, the script
subst {abc,[break],def}
returns "abc,", not "abc,,def" and the script
subst {abc,[continue;expr {1+2}],def}
returns "abc,,def", not "abc,3,def".
Other exceptional return codes substitute the returned value
subst {abc,[return foo;expr {1+2}],def}
returns "abc,foo,def", not "abc,3,def" and
subst {abc,[return -code 10 foo;expr {1+2}],def}
also returns "abc,foo,def", not "abc,3,def".
Tcl(n), eval(n), break(n), continue(n)
backslash substitution, command substitution, variable substitution
Tcl 7.4 subst(n)