Appending number of lines in the file to begining of the file

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# 1  
Old 07-13-2011
Appending number of lines in the file to begining of the file

I am having 6 files named file1,file2....file6 and i need to append number of lines in each file to begining of the file. For example,
If file 1 contains

then after adding new line file1 should contain

Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 07-13-2011
for n in {1..6} ; do 
   sed -i "1 i `cat file${n} | wc -l `" file${n}

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# 3  
Old 07-13-2011
If your sed does not support -i you could use:
for FILE in file[1-6]; do
    printf '1i\n'$(wc -l < $FILE)'\n.\nw! '$FILE'\nq!' | ex $FILE

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