Originally Posted by
The nawk in post #1 and the sort in post #2 give different results on my system. This is because the nawk always keeps the first of the duplicate key records but the sort selects a random one.
Shell tools were never designed to process multi-gigabyte files. Do you have a database engine and access to a programmer?
Yes I too see that behavior...so the OP would have to stick to [n]awk to make sure that the first one of the dupes is written out instead of a random one.
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UNIQ(1) BSD General Commands Manual UNIQ(1)
uniq -- report or filter out repeated lines in a file
uniq [-cdu] [-f fields] [-s chars] [input_file [output_file]]
The uniq utility reads the standard input comparing adjacent lines, and writes a copy of each unique input line to the standard output. The
second and succeeding copies of identical adjacent input lines are not written. Repeated lines in the input will not be detected if they are
not adjacent, so it may be necessary to sort the files first.
The following options are available:
-c Precede each output line with the count of the number of times the line occurred in the input, followed by a single space.
-d Don't output lines that are not repeated in the input.
-f fields
Ignore the first fields in each input line when doing comparisons. A field is a string of non-blank characters separated from adja-
cent fields by blanks. Field numbers are one based, i.e. the first field is field one.
-s chars
Ignore the first chars characters in each input line when doing comparisons. If specified in conjunction with the -f option, the
first chars characters after the first fields fields will be ignored. Character numbers are one based, i.e. the first character is
character one.
-u Don't output lines that are repeated in the input.
If additional arguments are specified on the command line, the first such argument is used as the name of an input file, the second is used
as the name of an output file.
The uniq utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
The historic +number and -number options have been deprecated but are still supported in this implementation.
The uniq utility is expected to be IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2'') compatible.
January 6, 2007 BSD