Installing Dash Shell on OS X Lion
For those interested in installing
dash shell on OSX Lion to help test POSIX compliancy of shell scripts, it is quite easy. I did it like this:
If you don't have gcc on your system:
0. Download and install the Command Line Tools for Xcode package from
Sign In - Apple *
1. Download the dash tar ball (I used the latest version 0.5.7) here:
Index of /~herbert/dash/files
2. gunzip and untar the tar ball
3. cd to the dash source directory
sudo make install
7. add /usr/local/bin/dash to /etc/shells
Update: On MacOS Catalina (10.15) and higher
/bin/dash is installed automatically so there these actions are no longer necessary, unless you want to try out a more recent version..
* See also here:
Xcode, GCC, and Homebrew, alternative package with gcc for OSX Lion at
Kenneth Reitz' OSX GCC Installer page
Last edited by Scrutinizer; 10-25-2019 at 04:58 AM..
Reason: Thanks Scott..
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Tk_GetDash(3) Tk Library Procedures Tk_GetDash(3)
Tk_GetDash - convert from string to valid dash structure.
#include <tk.h>
Tk_GetDash(interp, string, dashPtr)
Tcl_Interp *interp (in) Interpreter to use for error reporting.
const char * string (in) Textual value to be converted.
Tk_Dash *dashPtr (out) Points to place to store the dash pattern value converted from string.
These procedure parses the string and fills in the result in the Tk_Dash structure. The string can be a list of integers or a character
string containing only ".,-_" or spaces. If all goes well, TCL_OK is returned. If string does not have the proper syntax then TCL_ERROR is
returned, an error message is left in the interpreter's result, and nothing is stored at *dashPtr.
The first possible syntax is a list of integers. Each element represents the number of pixels of a line segment. Only the odd segments are
drawn using the "outline" color. The other segments are drawn transparent.
The second possible syntax is a character list containing only 5 possible characters ".,-_ ". The space can be used to enlarge the space
between other line elements, and can not occur as the first position in the string. Some examples:
-dash . = -dash {2 4}
-dash - = -dash {6 4}
-dash -. = -dash {6 4 2 4}
-dash -.. = -dash {6 4 2 4 2 4}
-dash {. } = -dash {2 8}
-dash , = -dash {4 4}
The main difference of this syntax with the previous is that it is shape-conserving. This means that all values in the dash list will be
multiplied by the line width before display. This assures that "." will always be displayed as a dot and "-" always as a dash regardless
of the line width.
On systems where only a limited set of dash patterns, the dash pattern will be displayed as the most close dash pattern that is available.
For example, on Windows only the first 4 of the above examples are available. The last 2 examples will be displayed identically as the
first one.
dash, conversion
Tk 8.3 Tk_GetDash(3)