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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Script to upload latest file to other server via FTP Post 302605146 by Corona688 on Tuesday 6th of March 2012 05:43:17 PM
Old 03-06-2012
Originally Posted by nbsparks
I figured I would configure the root of the FTP login for the "minecraft" user to go to the /home/minecraft folder on my FTP server, the home folder for that user. So, yes, I guess that's a chroot.
The login folder might not be the same as the root folder. If you can ftp into it with commandline FTP then 'cd /' and see etc, usr, sbin, and stuff, then it's not a chroot.

IF you leave the second filename, the destination filename, off completely it should just end up in the login folder. I wasn't certain the login folder was actually your minecraft folder at the time, so tried to cover all possibilities.
As for the minecraft structure, this is simply a daily tarball that I have built of the entire structure of the server. So the find statement I was using before (if it had the -1 vs. the +45 as the argument for mtime) will find only one file each time it is run, the one that is within 24 hours of now.
I wouldn't bother with find then -- just ls -t and grab the topmost. That makes it a lot simpler.

ftp <<EOF
put /home/mc/archive/sbhouse/$(ls -t /home/mc/archive/sbhouse | head -n 1)

That <<EOF ... EOF pattern is a here-document, which is equivalent to feeding the section of text inside it into ftp's standard input with a pipe. The ending EOF must be at the very beginning of the line, or it won't be considered the end of the here-document...

For that matter, why not make uploading the tarball part of the process which creates it?

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RMF(1)								     [nmh-1.5]								    RMF(1)

rmf - remove an nmh folder SYNOPSIS
rmf [+folder] [-interactive | -nointeractive] [-version] [-help] DESCRIPTION
Rmf removes all of the messages (files) within the specified (or default) folder, and then removes the folder (directory) itself. If there are any files within the folder which are not a part of nmh, they will not be removed, and an error will be produced. If the folder is given explicitly or the -nointeractive option is given, then the folder will be removed without confirmation. Otherwise, the user will be asked for confirmation. If rmf can't find the current folder, for some reason, the folder to be removed defaults to `+inbox' (unless overridden by user's profile entry "Inbox") with confirmation. If the folder being removed is a subfolder, the parent folder will become the new current folder, and rmf will produce a message telling the user this has happened. This provides an easy mechanism for selecting a set of messages, operating on the list, then removing the list and returning to the current folder from which the list was extracted. If rmf s used on a read-only folder, it will delete all the (private) sequences (i.e., "atr-seq-folder" entries) for this folder from your context without affecting the folder itself. Rmf irreversibly deletes messages that don't have other links, so use it with caution. FILES
$HOME/.mh_profile The user profile PROFILE COMPONENTS
Path: To determine the user's nmh directory Current-Folder: To find the default current folder Inbox: To find the default inbox SEE ALSO
`+folder' defaults to the current folder, usually with confirmation `-interactive' if +folder' not given, `-nointeractive' otherwise CONTEXT
Rmf will set the current folder to the parent folder if a subfolder is removed; or if the current folder is removed, it will make "inbox" current. Otherwise, it doesn't change the current folder or message. BUGS
Although intuitively one would suspect that rmf works recursively, it does not. Hence if you have a sub-folder within a folder, in order to rmf the parent, you must first rmf each of the children. MH.6.8 11 June 2012 RMF(1)
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