Download latest file via ftp server unix through shell script

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# 1  
Old 03-22-2014
Download latest file via ftp server unix through shell script

Hello this is my first post in this forum , I dont want to be unhappy..

I am writing one script but facing difficulty to find the latest file with some new pattern
My requirement is

1. The file is coming like "ABCD-23220140303" at FTP server once in a week.

2. script will run on daily basis and will pick up and download the file to Aix machine if file is available.

3. Script will check status of file on daily basis, if file is available it should download.

the file name is like varies for each week like..

1st week....ABCD-23220140301 MARCH 1ST WEEK 2014
2nd week....ABCD-23220140302
3rd week....ABCD-23220140303
4th week....ABCD-23220140304

# 2  
Old 03-22-2014
Show us your script then and let us know where / why it is not working.

We are not here to do your job for you...
# 3  
Old 03-23-2014
Thanks! I have done my job,don't take any pain for me.
After consecutive 3 hrs efforts finally wrote the expected one.

Yes. Please You continue with your job
# 4  
Old 03-23-2014
Well done for writing your script.

It would be nice if you didn't just come here for help but could also share what you have achieved, in case someone else has the same problem and finds your thread, what you have done could maybe help them too.

It is all about sharing here.
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