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Top Forums Programming Now i can't get FD_ISSET to work Post 302560958 by Errigour on Sunday 2nd of October 2011 02:42:37 PM
Old 10-02-2011
 * Type          * Bits*byte* Possible Values                             *
 * short         * 16  *2   * -32768 to 65536                             *
 * unsigned short* 16  *2   * 0 to 65536                                  *
 *               *     *    *                                             *
 * int           * 32  *4   * -2147483648 to 4294967295                   *
 * long          * 32  *4   * -2147483648 to 4294967295                   *
 * unsigned int  * 32  *4   * 0 to 4294967295                             *
 * long long     * 64  *8   * -9223372036854778838 to 18446744073709551616*
 * char      long      float     volatile                                 *
 * short     signed    double    void                                     *
 * int       unsigned  const                                              *
 *                                                                        *
 * char, signed char, unsigned char                                       *
 * int, signed int, unsigned int                                          *
 * short int, signed short int, unsigned short int                        *
 * long int, signed long int, unsigned long int                           *
 * float, double, long double                                             *
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "color.h"
/* Game state's, maximum allowed 65536 */
#define SAY_GOODBY          0 /* Character log off     */
#define CHARACTER_LOGIN     1 /* Character login       */
#define CREATE_CHARACTER    2 /* Character creation    */
#define CHARACTER_LOGGED_IN 3 /* Character is logged in*/
/* Game create_state's, maximum allowed 65536 */
#define CREATE_NAME       1 /* Tells create_character to check for the character's name     */
#define CREATE_PASSWORD   2 /* Tells create_character to check for the character's password */
#define VERIFY_PASSWORD   3 /* Tells create_character to verify the character's password    */
#define CHOOSE_SEX        4 /* Tells create_character to check for the character's sex      */
#define CHOOSE_RACE       5 /* Tells create_character to check for the character's race     */
#define CHOOSE_CLASS      6 /* Tells create_character to check for the character's class    */
struct descr *descr_list= NULL;
struct game_time
 int second;
 int minute;
 int hour;
 int day;
 int month;
 int year;
struct real_time
 int second;
 int minute;
 int hour;
 char day;
 char month;
 int year;
 int ampm;
struct descr
 int newfd;             /* Player socket                             */
 char char_name[11];    /* Character's name                          */
 char char_pass[25];    /* Character's password                      */
 short int sex;         /* Character's sex                           */
 short int char_class;  /* Characters class                          */
 short int char_race;   /* Characters race                           */
 short int state;       /* Game state                                */
 short int create_state;/* Character creation state                  */
 struct descr *next;    /* Used to create a linked list              */
 struct descr *list;    /* Used to define the top of the linked list */
void fatal(const char *message) {
   char error_message[100];
   strcpy(error_message, "[!!] Fatal Error : ");
   strncat(error_message, message, 83);
void nonfatal(const char *message) {
 char error_message[100];
 strcpy(error_message, "[!!] Non Fatal Error : ");
 strncat(error_message, message, 83);
int initialize_descr(int newfd, struct descr **p)
 struct descr *d;
 if(!(d = malloc(sizeof(struct descr))))
  nonfatal("malloc failure initializing descr");
  return 0;
 d->newfd = newfd;
 d->state = CHARACTER_LOGIN;
 d->next = NULL;
 d->list = descr_list;
 *p = d;
 if(descr_list == NULL)
  descr_list = d;
  descr_list->list = descr_list;
  while(descr_list->next != NULL)
  descr_list->next = d;
  descr_list->next->list = descr_list->list;
  descr_list = descr_list->list;
 return 1;
int character_login(struct descr *d)
 int rbytes = 0;
 char buffer[12];
 const char er[] = "Character name must be less then, twelve characters.\r\n";
 const char ln[] = "Character name or (n)ew: ";
 if ((rbytes = recv(d->newfd, buffer, 12, 0)) <= 0)
     if (rbytes == 0)
      printf("Socket %d hung up\n", d->newfd);
      nonfatal("Receiving a file descriptor");
  return -1;
 else if (rbytes > 11)
  send(d->newfd, er, sizeof er, 0);
  send(d->newfd, ln, sizeof ln, 0);
  return 0;
  if(buffer == "n" || buffer == "N")
   send(d->newfd, "By what name do you wish to be known? ", 38, 0);
   d->state = CREATE_CHARACTER;   /* Now we know to Create a new character  */
   d->create_state = CREATE_NAME; /* Here we know to check for the username */
   return 1;
   FILE *player = fopen(buffer,"r");
   if( player ) {
    d->state = ENTER_PASSWORD;  Enter character password
    send(d->newfd, "Character does not exist", 24, 0);
 return 1;
int create_character(struct descr *d)
 int rbytes = 0;
 char buffer[27];
 const char ne[] = "Character name must be less then, twelve characters.\r\n";
 const char nl[] = "By what name do you wish to be known? ";
 const char pe[] = "Password must be less then twenty six characters\r\n";
 const char pl[] = "Enter a password for you're character: ";
 const char vpe[]= "Passwords are not the same\r\n";
 const char vp[] = "Please varify you're password: ";
 const char se[] = "Please enter m , f or n\r\n";
 const char sl[] = "Please choose you're sex, \r\n(m)ale, (f)emale, or (n)one? ";
 const char race_menu[] = 
      "Highlighted races are available: ";
 const char class_menu[] =
      "Highlighted classes are available: ";
 if ((rbytes = recv(d->newfd, buffer, 27, 0)) <= 0)
     if (rbytes == 0)
      printf("Socket %d hung up\n", d->newfd);
      nonfatal("Receiving a file descriptor, function create_character");
  return -1;
 if ( d->create_state == CREATE_NAME)
  if (rbytes > 11)
   send(d->newfd, ne, sizeof ne, 0);
   send(d->newfd, nl, sizeof nl, 0);
   return 0;
  strcpy(d->char_name, buffer);
  d->create_state == CREATE_PASSWORD;
  send(d->newfd, pl, sizeof pl, 0);
 else if (d->create_state == CREATE_PASSWORD)
  if (rbytes > 25)
   send(d->newfd, pe, sizeof pe, 0);
   send(d->newfd, pl, sizeof pl, 0);
   return 0;
  strcpy (d->char_pass, buffer);
  d->create_state = VERIFY_PASSWORD;
  send(d->newfd, vp, sizeof vp, 0);
 else if (d->create_state == VERIFY_PASSWORD)
  if (rbytes > 25 || buffer != d->char_pass)
   send(d->newfd, vpe, sizeof vpe, 0);
   send(d->newfd, pl, sizeof pl, 0);
   d->create_state = CREATE_PASSWORD;
   return 0;
  strcpy(d->char_pass, buffer);
  d->create_state = CHOOSE_SEX;
  send(d->newfd, sl, sizeof sl, 0);
 else if (d->create_state == CHOOSE_SEX)
  if(buffer == "m" || buffer == "M"){d->sex = 0;}
  else if(buffer == "f" || buffer == "F"){d->sex = 1;}
  else if(buffer == "n" || buffer == "N"){d->sex = -1;}
   send(d->newfd, de, sizeof se, 0);
   send(d->newfd, sl, sizeof sl, 0);
   return 0;
  d->create_state = CHOOSE_RACE;
  send(d->newfd, race_menu, sizeof race_menu, 0);
 else if (d->create_state == CHOOSE_RACE)
  d->create_state = CHOOSE_CLASS;
  send(d->newfd, class_menu, sizeof class_menu, 0);
 else if (d->create_state == CHOOSE_CLASS)
  d->state = CREATE_CHARACTER;
  d->create_state = CREATE_NAME;
int main()
 struct sockaddr_in serv;
 struct sockaddr_in inco;
 struct game_time rtime;
 struct timeval seconds;
 socklen_t inclen;
 int simpleSocket;
 int yes = 1;
 int fdmax;        /* maximum file descriptor number */
 int newfd;
 unsigned int heart_pulse = 0;
 fd_set master;    /* master file descriptor list */
 fd_set read_fds;  /* will be watched to see if characters become available for reading */
 fd_set write_fds; /* will be watched to see if a write will not block */
 fd_set except_fds; /* will be watched for exceptions. */
 seconds.tv_sec  = 0;      /* seconds for select to wait for connections     */
 seconds.tv_usec = 1000;   /* microseconds for select to wait for connections
                            * there are 1,000 microseconds in a millisecond
                   * there are 1,000 milliseconds in a second     
                   * thus there are 1,000,000 Microseconds in one 
                   * second, and there are 60 seconds in one minute */
 printf("Process id #%i\n", getpid());
 FD_ZERO(&master);    // clear the master and temp sets
 if ((simpleSocket=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0)) == -1)
  fatal("Creating simpleSocket, AF_INET SOCK_STREAM failed");
 fcntl(simpleSocket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); 
 setsockopt(simpleSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int));
  /*struct sockaddr_in
  short   sin_family; must be AF_INET
  u_short sin_port;
  struct  in_addr sin_addr;
  char    sin_zero[8]; Not used, must be zero
 struct in_addr { int s_addr; }; */
 serv.sin_family = AF_INET;
 serv.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
 serv.sin_port = htons(2000);
 if (bind(simpleSocket,(struct sockaddr *)&serv,sizeof(serv)) == -1)
  fatal("Binding simpleSocket, AF_INET SOCK_STREAM failed");
 if (listen(simpleSocket, 1000) == -1) 
  fatal("Listening to simpleSocket, AF_INET SOCK_STREAM failed");
 // add the listener to the master set
    FD_SET(simpleSocket, &master);
    // keep track of the biggest file descriptor
    fdmax = simpleSocket; // so far, it's this one
  struct descr *keepsake, *r;
  read_fds = master;
  write_fds = master;
  except_fds = master;
  /* Wait for connections for seconds amount of time and set the 
     specific file descriptor for each connection */
  if (select(fdmax+1, &read_fds, &write_fds, &except_fds, &seconds) == -1)
            nonfatal("Select failed");
  /* handle new connections */
  if (FD_ISSET(simpleSocket, &read_fds))
   /* Accept the next pending connection from simpleSocket */
   newfd = accept(simpleSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&inco, &inclen);
   if(newfd == -1)
    nonfatal("Accepting a file descriptor");
    struct descr *init;
    FD_SET(newfd, &master);   /* add to master set */
    if (newfd > fdmax)        /* keep track of the max */
                 fdmax = newfd;
       const char name_prompt[] = "Character name or (n)ew: ";
       const char error_prompt[]= "Unable to proceed please report this problem.";
       if(initialize_descr(newfd, &init) == 0)
        send(newfd, error_prompt, sizeof error_prompt, 0);
        FD_CLR(newfd, &master);
        send(init->newfd, name_prompt, sizeof name_prompt, 0);
     printf("New connection: on socket:  %d,\r\n", init->newfd);
     printf("                 sin_addr:  %s\r\n", inet_ntoa(inco.sin_addr));
  } /* END FD_ISSET(simpleSocket, &read_fds) */
  if (heart_pulse == 15000) /* Longest int type unsigned long long int 18446744073709551616 */
   if(rtime.second > -1)
   if(rtime.second > 0x29) /* 41 */
    rtime.second = 0x0; /* 0 */
    if(rtime.minute > 0x25) /* 37 */
     rtime.minute = 0x0; /* 0 */
     if(rtime.hour > 0x15) /* 21 */
      rtime.hour = 0x0; /* 0 */
      if(rtime.day > 0x1b) /* 27 */
       rtime.day = 0x1; /* 1 */
       if(rtime.month > 0xA) /* 10 */
        rtime.month = 0x1; /* 1 */
        if(rtime.year > 0x17cf87f) /* 24967295 */
         rtime.second = -1;
         rtime.minute = -1;
         rtime.hour = -1;
         rtime.day = -1;
         rtime.month = -1;
         rtime.year = -1; /* Apocolypse */
   int j;
   const char tick[] = "tick.";
   for(j = 0; j <= fdmax; j++) 
    /* send to everyone! */
    if (FD_ISSET(j, &master)) 
     send(j, tick, sizeof tick, 0);
   heart_pulse = 0;
     keepsake = descr_list;
     while(keepsake != NULL)
      if(FD_ISSET(keepsake->newfd, &read_fds))
       if(keepsake->state == CHARACTER_LOGIN)      /* Character login    */
       else if(keepsake->state==CREATE_CHARACTER)  /* Character creation */
       keepsake = keepsake->next;
     keepsake = descr_list;
     while(descr_list != NULL)
      r = descr_list->next;
         if(descr_list->state == SAY_GOODBY)
           FD_CLR(descr_list->newfd, &master);
       descr_list = r;
   descr_list = keepsake;
 }/* END for(;;).*/


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