How would I get the absolute filename of a selected file...I want to control click...I already have the context menu all set to run a script...I just need to be able to get the file name of the file I control clicked on.
In windows it is as follows:
set filename=%~f1
set name=%~n1
set... (0 Replies)
is there any function in unix which will convert a integer to absolute value with a single decimal point.
suppose x=15232
i want y to be 14.8
Similarly if y=6.29452 it should come as 6.3 (3 Replies)
Hi to all.
I'm trying to sort this with the Unix command sort.
I need to get this:
user3:12345687:5.5:2.5:6:1:3:2... (7 Replies)
Hello all -
I am to this forum and fairly new in learning unix and finding some difficulty in preparing a small shell script. I am trying to make script to sort all the files given by user as input (either the exact full name of the file or say the files matching the criteria like all files... (3 Replies)
Input file:
100%ABC2 3.44E-12 USA
A2M%H02579 0E0 UK
100%ABC2 5.34E-8 UK
100%ABC2 3.25E-12 USA
A2M%H02579 5E-45 UK
Output file:
100%ABC2 3.44E-12 USA
100%ABC2 3.25E-12 USA
100%ABC2 5.34E-8 UK
A2M%H02579 0E0 UK
A2M%H02579 5E-45 UK
Code try:
sort -k1,1 -g -k2 -r input.txt... (2 Replies)
Hi Experts,
I have a filelist collected from another server , now want to sort the output using date/time stamp filed.
- Filed 6, 7,8 are showing the date/time/stamp.
Here is the input:
-rw------- 1 root ... (3 Replies)
Hello All,
I am using following awk command in my shell script. I want to compare the value in column 2 and colum 3 after taking their absolute value. Column $2 and $3 can have any value positive or negative or both.
awk -F"|" '{print $0,($2>$3?"F":"T")}' OFS='|' myfile.txt
Your help... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: angshuman
2 Replies
dynamic_pager(8) BSD System Manager's Manual dynamic_pager(8)NAME
dynamic_pager -- dynamic pager external storage manager
dynamic_pager [-F filename] [-S filesize] [-H high-water-trigger] [-L low-water-trigger] [-P priority]
The dynamic_pager daemon manages a pool of external swap files which the kernel uses to support demand paging. This pool is expanded with
new swap files as load on the system increases, and contracted when the swapping resources are no longer needed. The dynamic_pager daemon
also provides a notification service for those applications which wish to receive notices when the external paging pool expands or contracts.
OPTIONS -F The base name of the filename to use for the external paging files. By default this is /private/var/vm/swapfile.
-S The fixed filesize [in bytes] to use for the paging files. By default dynamic_pager uses variable sized paging files, using larger
sized files as paging demands increase. The -S, -H and -L options disable that default and cause dynamic_pager to use a series of
fixed sized external paging files.
-H If there are less than high-water-trigger bytes free in the external paging files, the kernel will signal dynamic_pager to add a new
external paging file.
-L If there are more than low-water-trigger bytes free in the external paging files, the kernel will coalese in-use pages and signal
dynamic_pager to discard an external paging file. Low-water-trigger must be greater than high-water-trigger + filesize.
-P This option is currently unimplemented.
/private/var/vm/swapfile* Default external paging files.
SEE ALSO macx_swapon(2), macx_swapoff(2).
Mac OS X July 8, 2003 Mac OS X