10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Programming
I'm implementing a shell in C that supports piping, output redirection, and background processing, and a few other commands. I was wondering how I'd go about implementing the output redirection. So, I'd open a file and I'd fork and execute the command. But how would I get stdout into the file? Any... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: ununium
10 Replies
2. Programming
Hi all
I am facing a problem with redirection. Its somewhat related to parsing.
I am following the following steps.
1. take the command and tokenize it.
2. if redirection is there then give it to redirection unit
3. if pipe is there give it to piping unit.
4. do until the command ends
... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: mobile01
0 Replies
3. IP Networking
i have a client server connection steady and running... but the problem here is that the file transfer is very crude and succeptible to risks... so i want to implement ftp.. can anybody suggest a way to implement it or any book to read? (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: damn_bkb
4 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am trying to implement a login screen to the following code how would i go about doing so. I have try to place the password in a variable using if statements which would usually work but as i have the system in a while loop i think i need to find another method.
#Filename:... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: warlock129
4 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
I'm trying to add logging to an existing script which echos a number of lines to the screen. I've added a switch to the script that is going to suppress much of this output and put it in a file instead.
The way I envisioned it was like this:
$log would be set to either "" or the log files... (8 Replies)
Discussion started by: cheetobandito
8 Replies
6. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hello All,
I am trying a shell script for automatically login to test servers and pulling the output of top command from all using expect.
----snippet of code ---
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
for exp_server in ${server}; do
expect -c... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: Renjesh
3 Replies
7. Shell Programming and Scripting
HI everyone,
I am not able to find error in the script, when i run the script till
line No. 20
i.e, read var4
everything runs fine. After that the script exits out.
echo -e "Want dryrun OR merge: \n "
read var1
if ] ; then
echo -e "\n Please select from the given... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: rishi.aradhya
10 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have a bash script that has been running (on SUSE 9.3) dozens of times over the past couple of years without error. Recently it has been hitting intermittent “cp: cannot stat FILE: No such file or directory” errors.
The script has nested loops that continuously process files in a... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: jcart
2 Replies
9. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have two methods...create_2_54 and create_2_55
I have added a nested while loop(previously it has just one loop) in create_2_54
the mv command(which comes first in 2_55) is not working.
for name in `ls -1 1SMH_WICD_V5_2_5*.txt` ; do
mv $name $nametmp.tmp
unix2dos -ascii -437 $nametmp.tmp... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: harish468
2 Replies
10. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am receving a "strange" error using a nested if within an sql operation inside:
./dom.ksh: syntax error at line 80 : `then' unmatched
This is all my script code: in bold the step receiving the error.
Any help would really aprrecieted ......!
**** I have tried all the... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: AndreaCecco
2 Replies
EXECUTE(7) PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation EXECUTE(7)
EXECUTE - execute a prepared statement
EXECUTE name [ ( parameter [, ...] ) ]
EXECUTE is used to execute a previously prepared statement. Since prepared statements only exist for the duration of a session, the
prepared statement must have been created by a PREPARE statement executed earlier in the current session.
If the PREPARE statement that created the statement specified some parameters, a compatible set of parameters must be passed to the EXECUTE
statement, or else an error is raised. Note that (unlike functions) prepared statements are not overloaded based on the type or number of
their parameters; the name of a prepared statement must be unique within a database session.
For more information on the creation and usage of prepared statements, see PREPARE(7).
The name of the prepared statement to execute.
The actual value of a parameter to the prepared statement. This must be an expression yielding a value that is compatible with the data
type of this parameter, as was determined when the prepared statement was created.
The command tag returned by EXECUTE is that of the prepared statement, and not EXECUTE.
Examples are given in the EXAMPLES section of the PREPARE(7) documentation.
The SQL standard includes an EXECUTE statement, but it is only for use in embedded SQL. This version of the EXECUTE statement also uses a
somewhat different syntax.
PostgreSQL 9.2.7 2014-02-17 EXECUTE(7)