How do I calculate time? I need to create an alert if a process is running more than 30 minutes.
I need to get the first time and then get another, calculate it if more than 30 mins and then alert it to pager.
Can't find it in internet.
Thanks in advance,
itik (2 Replies)
I have a file named "suspected" with series of line like these :
{'protocol': 17, 'service': 'BitTorrent KRPC', 'server': '', 'client_port': 52044, 'client': '', 'server_port': 8291, 'time': 1226506312L, 'serverhostname': ''}
{'protocol': 17, 'service': 'BitTorrent... (3 Replies)
i want to display the time firstly when i run my shell script and after 25 min i want to display a message it says that the time left is 5 min. When the calculated time is 30 mins, the script should exit.
can any one help me with that!
Thanks in advance
:o (5 Replies)
I have to calculate the below in date format in the loop so tht it increases each day; can you please tell me how do I calculate the 1
v_my_DT = v_my_DT + 1.
also I need to stop the loop; I am using it in do while statement i posted earlier
It should be
20090506=20090505 + 1
Sorry v_my_dt is... (7 Replies)
Hi there,
How to calculate the elapsed time in minutes for a particular job run under unix.
I tried the following
$ ps -efo user,pid,etime,comm,args | grep myscript | grep -v grep | awk -F" " '{print $3}'
I need to get this output in minutes.
Can someone help me... (1 Reply)
I need to find how many days, hours and minutes remain to some specific date and I wonder why the following program shows incorrect values, such as 4 days 23 hours etc to 14:00 this Saturday from 17:33 today...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main()
time_t elaps,... (4 Replies)
Hello All,
I have a problem calculating the time difference between start and end timings...!
the timings are given by 24hr format..
Start Date : 08/05/10 12:55
End Date : 08/09/10 06:50
above values are in mm/dd/yy hh:mm format.
Now the thing is, 7th(08/07/10) and... (16 Replies)
I'm trying to create a shell script (#!/bin/sh) which should tell me the age of a file in minutes...
I have a process, which delivers me all 15 minutes a new file and I want to have a monitoring script, which sends me an email, if the present file is older than 20 minutes.
To do... (10 Replies)
Hello Guys,
I am trying to calculate total hours and minutes a given user has used the system since the beginning of the current month.
last $1 | grep -w `date "+%b"` | grep -v '\(0:.*\)' | grep -vw sshd | cut -c 66-
| tr -d "\(\)" | cut -f1 -d ":" | grep -v '.*' |... (9 Replies)
Hi All,
I have one file which contains time for request and response.
I want to calculate time difference in milliseconds for each line.
This file can contain 10K lines.
Sample file with 4 lines.
for first line.
Request Time: 15:23:45,255
Response Time: 15:23:45,258
Time diff... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: Raza Ali
6 Replies
IGAWK(1) Utility Commands IGAWK(1)NAME
igawk - gawk with include files
igawk [ all gawk options ] -f program-file [ -- ] file ...
igawk [ all gawk options ] [ -- ] program-text file ...
Igawk is a simple shell script that adds the ability to have ``include files'' to gawk(1).
AWK programs for igawk are the same as for gawk, except that, in addition, you may have lines like
@include getopt.awk
in your program to include the file getopt.awk from either the current directory or one of the other directories in the search path.
See gawk(1) for a full description of the AWK language and the options that gawk supports.
cat << EOF > test.awk
@include getopt.awk
while (getopt(ARGC, ARGV, "am:q") != -1)
igawk -f test.awk
SEE ALSO gawk(1)
Effective AWK Programming, Edition 1.0, published by the Free Software Foundation, 1995.
Arnold Robbins (arnold@skeeve.com).
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
|Availability | SUNWgawk |
|Interface Stability | Volatile |
Source for gawk is available on http://opensolaris.org.
Free Software Foundation Nov 3 1999 IGAWK(1)