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Operating Systems OS X (Apple) Installation directory structure for downloaded program Post 302454728 by migurus on Monday 20th of September 2010 12:06:36 AM
Old 09-20-2010
Installation directory structure for downloaded program

OS X 10.3.9
I downloaded RealPlayer into my
folder, clicked install and everything works just fine.

My question has to do with just my trying to understand where OS X keeps the files.

So, I opened terminal and said:

find / -name RealPlayer 2>/dev/null

To my utter confusion the file is:

I said
cd ~/download and saw two relevant names:


where RealPlayer.app is directory. I ran my tree command to see what is there
~/download$ tree RealPlayer.app
and that just overwhelmed me with HUGE directory tree that starts in RealPlayer.app directory, I place snapshot of the output below.

Now, question is - how come this 33MB worth of stuff lingers under my ~/download directory, which is designated download target in my browser and supposedly is kinda working temp directory, right?

a) why installation lives under ~/download and not somewhere in /usr/share or /usr/local ?

b) do other users on my system have access to it? if no - how should I have installed it so all users access it?

c) can I tidy up it a bit. like go to Frameworks and remove languages that I don't use?

the tree output follows:

~/download/RealPlayer.app$ tree .
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         |  |--SignIn.nib
         |  |--TheaterModePalette.nib
         |  |--TransportPreferences.nib
         |  +--VideoControls.nib


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