Hi all,
I just implemented PAM on my Solris 8/9 boxes and one of the entries I have got in the /etc/pam.conf is as followed,
other password required pam_unix.so nullok remember=7 md5 shadow use_authtok
However, once I set this and the following meesages appears in /var/adm/messages... (1 Reply)
Hi All,
Is it possible to run date -d option in Solaris?
Do we have a work around so that -d option will be recognized
by solaris as it is recognized by linux.
I need this since i am using this in scripting and it works in Linux box. my problem is
it doesn't work in solaris box.
... (6 Replies)
Hi all,
I am trying to execute the following command in a sun solaris machine and getting the error as below.
bash-2.03$ date -d "1 day ago" +%Y%m%d
date: illegal option -- d
bash-2.03$ uname -a
SunOS gtrd02 5.8 Generic_117350-55 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440
Can anybody help me to... (1 Reply)
I'm trying to get the size of each file, but when I try to use
stat -c %s <file>
I get the message
stat: illegal option -- c
Also, the man page for stat shows readlink,stat. It doesn't seem to match the man pages I've seen online.
what is going on here? (6 Replies)
For some reason read -e isn't working in my script. I need a directory as input from a user and I'd like for them to be able to use tab complete which is why I'm using -e. When the script is run, I get:
read: line 6: illegal option -e
In order to just figure out what is going on with the -e... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: orangeSunshine
4 Replies
shtool-subst - GNU shtool sed(1) substitution operations
shtool subst [-v|--verbose] [-t|--trace] [-n|--nop] [-w|--warning] [-q|--quiet] [-s|--stealth] [-i|--interactive] [-b|--backup ext]
[-e|--exec cmd] [-f|--file cmd-file] [file] [file ...]
This command applies one or more sed(1) substitution operations to stdin or any number of files.
The following command line options are available.
-v, --verbose
Display some processing information.
-t, --trace
Enable the output of the essential shell commands which are executed.
-n, --nop
No operation mode. Actual execution of the essential shell commands which would be executed is suppressed.
-w, --warning
Show warning on substitution operation resulting in no content change on every file. The default is to show a warning on substitution
operations resulted in no content change on all files.
-q, --quiet
Suppress warning on substitution operation resulting in no content change.
-s, --stealth
Stealth operation. Preserve timestamp on file.
-i, --interactive
Enter interactive mode where the user has to approve each operation.
-b, --backup ext
Preserve backup of original file using file name extension ext. Default is to overwrite the original file.
-e, --exec cmd
Specify sed(1) command directly.
-f, --file cmd-file
Read sed(1) command from file.
# shell script
shtool subst -i -e 's;(c) ([0-9]*)-2000;(c) 1-2001;' *.[ch]
# RPM spec-file
shtool subst -v -n
-e 's;^(prefix=).*;1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix};g'
-e 's;^(sysconfdir=).*;1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/etc;g'
`find . -name Makefile -print`
make install
The GNU shtool subst command was originally written by Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com> in 2001 for GNU shtool. It was prompted
by the need to have a uniform and convenient patching frontend to sed(1) operations in the OpenPKG package specifications.
SEE ALSO shtool(1), sed(1).
18-Jul-2008 shtool 2.0.8 SHTOOL-SUBST.TMP(1)