Plenty on ...
I didn't check it recently, but there were many simple training scripts on
unixacademy.com. There also many on every installed Linux system, so you can learn from them. Also there are plenty around the i-net. Google "sample bash script" and you get zillion... "bash by example" is good and easy to follow... Hope it helps
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1. Shell Programming and Scripting
This sample script should obtain a list of files in my home directory:
# Manipulate files and copy to my home directory
for FILE in $HOME/.bash*
cp $FILE ${HOME}/public_html
chmod a+r ${HOME}/public_html/${FILE}
Unfortunately it only produces an error:
... (4 Replies)
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2. Programming
Hi all,
Can some one provide me a sample program which measures the performance (both latency and throughput) of TCP and UDP protocol (2 Replies)
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3. Shell Programming and Scripting
I apologize for the confusing title .. What I want to do is write a script that pulls specific input from the command line (after the script name) rather than from within the script.
-$: howfarbetween.sh Montreal Chicago
Where the script would run based on the inputs of the two... (3 Replies)
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4. Shell Programming and Scripting
Today I had a beautiful test to write some commands using Ubuntu, now I want to make sure of my answers to be reassured, if I had a mistake please correct me
List all files details under ubuntu Desktop.
my answer:
cd Desktop |ls -l
Navigate to your Desktop directory and... (7 Replies)
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5. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hello, I am trying to get to learn WWW::Mechanize & have found alot of sample scripts (that dont work) so am wondering if anyone has any that do, I basically just learn from stripping current bits out seeing how they work etc.. etc.. -
if anyone can point me to somewhere that has a few good... (0 Replies)
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6. Shell Programming and Scripting
I would like to calculate
In awk, I wrote the following line for the sigma summation:
{ summ+=($1-average)^2 }
Full code:
BEGIN { Print "This script calculate error estimates"; sum=0 }
{ sum+=$1; n++ }
END { average = sum/n }
BEGIN { summ=0 }
{ summ+=($1-average)^2 }
END { print... (8 Replies)
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7. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi all I am using following code and input to duplicate entries till next row but out is cutting some words in this sample can anybody check on his system is there any error?
awk ' { if($2 !~ /^ *$/) { a=substr($0,length($1)+1,index($0,$NF)-length($NF)); b=$NF; } print $1, a, b } ' file... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Priyanka Chopra
1 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
Below is the code. Its the 1st line of a file.
How can I remove the bracket and display like below.
123 web int 1 09:30:45 2013
I dont want to use AWK or SED or PERL. I need to use only the bash shell scripting commands to do it. (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: ghosh_tanmoy
3 Replies
9. Shell Programming and Scripting
hi gurus ,
i want the command to get the output in the desired format .
basically to convert columns to rows.
please refer to the attachment. (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: r_t_1601
3 Replies
LIBBASH(7) libbash Manual LIBBASH(7)
libbash -- A bash shared libraries package.
libbash is a package that enables bash dynamic-like shared libraries. Actually its a tool for managing bash scripts whose functions you may
want to load and use in scripts of your own.
It contains a 'dynamic loader' for the shared libraries ( ldbash(1)), a configuration tool (ldbashconfig(8)), and some libraries.
Using ldbash(1) you are able to load loadable bash libraries, such as getopts(1) and hashstash(1). A bash shared library that can be loaded
ldbash(1) must answer 4 requirments:
1. It must be installed in $LIBBASH_PREFIX/lib/bash (default is /usr/lib/bash).
2. It must contain a line that begins with '#EXPORT='. That line will contain (after the '=') a list of functions that the library
exports. I.e. all the function that will be usable after loading that library will be listed in that line.
3. It must contain a line that begins with '#REQUIRE='. That line will contain (after the '=') a list of bash libraries that are
required for our library. I.e. every bash library that is in use in our bash library must be listed there.
4. The library must be listed (For more information, see ldbashconfig(8)).
Basic guidelines for writing library of your own:
1. Be aware, that your library will be actually sourced. So, basically, it should contain (i.e define) only functions.
2. Try to declare all variables intended for internal use as local.
3. Global variables and functions that are intended for internal use (i.e are not defined in '#EXPORT=') should begin with:
For example, internal function myfoosort of hashstash library should be named as
This helps to avoid conflicts in global name space when using libraries that come from different vendors.
4. See html manual for full version of this guide.
Hai Zaar <haizaar@haizaar.com>
Gil Ran <ril@ran4.net>
ldbash(1), ldbashconfig(8), getopts(1), hashstash(1) colors(1) messages(1) urlcoding(1) locks(1)
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