how can I write a small script to run the following statement and output the result into check_result.txt
select /*+RULE*/ tapname from typetbl where tapname like 'AA%' and rejectcode=9;
Normally, I just type sql and get into SQL> (2 Replies)
I have a file containing the following data:
could be 5000+ lines
I have an algo and need a code to implement this:
1. Linecount = wc -l (should give 5000)
2. For i... (1 Reply)
Hi guys,
I am new on here, I have a function in oracle that returns a specific value:
create or replace
ASDSchedule varchar2(6);
ASDComplete... (1 Reply)
Hi ,
I used the below script to get the sql data into csv file using unix scripting.
I m getting the output into an output file but the output file is not displayed in a separe columns .
export FILE_PATH=/maav/home/xyz/abc/
rm $FILE_PATH/sample.csv
sqlplus -s... (2 Replies)
Hi All,
I have around 900 Select Sql's which I would like to run in an awk script and print the output of those sql's in an txt file.
Can you anyone pls let me know how do I do it and execute the awk script? Thanks. (4 Replies)
I have a requirement to store oracle sqlplus output to some unix variable, count the records and then print the output on the screen.
Can you please point me to any sample program for reference purpose.
Thanks a lot for your time. (0 Replies)
I never did this before... what I want to do is execute a SQL query from a unix script and redirect sql query's output to a flat file (comma separated one) without the header info (no column names). I would also want not to print the query's output to the screen.
snapshot of my script:... (13 Replies)
Hi ,
I have a sql query in the unix script ,whose output is shown below.I want to convert this output to HTML table format & send email from unix with this table as email body.
p_id src_system amount
1 A 100
2 B 200
3 C ... (3 Replies)
I have a sql statement , i need to assign to a variable in Unix
sel count(*) AS num_files from TABLE_A;
i need to use "num_files" in unix statements. let me know how to assign unix variable to above num_files (1 Reply)
I am writing a shell script with 2 run time arguments. During the execution if i got any error, then it needs to redirected to a error file and in console. Also both error and output to be redirected to a log file. But i am facing the below error.
#! /bin/sh
errExit ()
errMsg=`cat... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: sarathy_a35
1 Replies
grablogs.conf(4) File Formats grablogs.conf(4)NAME
grablogs.conf - grablogs configuration for libgrablogs.so of the plugins of
gnome-system-log file
The libgrablogs.so is a plugin for gnome-system-log(1), it colloct the log files from the system as many as possible. grablogs.conf is a
configuration file that contains a set of lines mixed with sh(1) syntax codes and individual
log files. libgrablogs.so will read the file try to get a log files list for
gnome-system-log(1). Users can copy the file into $HOME/.gnome2/gnome-system-log/plugins/`uname -p` to overwrite the system default one.
The grablogs.conf file contains the following configuration categories:
Each line under this category is interpreted as a config file of System. The plugin will open the config file and try to find
all system paths of the logs.
Each line under this category is interpreted as a shell command and will be execute through a pipe. And each line of the out-
put of the command will be interpreted as a log path.
[logs] Each line under this category is interpreted as a log path.
The system default configuration file for the plugin libgrablogs.so
$HOME/.gnome2/gnome-system-log/plugins/`uname -p`/grablogs.conf
The user specific configuration file for the plugin libgrablogs.so
for i in `svcs -aH -o FMRI | grep -v lrc `; do svcprop -p restarter/logfile $i 2>/dev/null || svcprop -q-p restarter/alt_logfile $i
2>/dev/null ; done
SEE ALSO gnome-system-log(1), pipelog.conf(1)gnome-utils 2.16.0 13 Oct 2006 grablogs.conf(4)