Could someone help me please. I'm trying to write a shell script that prints the number of files I have in my home directory. Files only though, directories not included. I was thinking about using a pipe that includes wc but I don't know any commands that isolate the number of files you have in... (4 Replies)
We are on a unix AIX 4.3 platform and our application is written as such that all configuration files must reside in a specific directory. Currently there are over 10,000 files in this directory (and growing at about 300 per month). My question is is there a physical limit to the... (2 Replies)
Some simple questions from a simple man.
If i wanted to count the number of files contained within a directory, say /tmp would ls -l /tmp ¦ wc -l suffice and will it be accurate?
second one: How would i check the number of files with a certain string in the filename, in the same directory.
... (2 Replies)
I am new to unix shell scripting.I am using Korn shell.
I need to find if there are any files in a particular directory.first I need to find the number of files in the directory.If the file count is greater than 0 then I have to print the file names in a textfile and send an email to the... (5 Replies)
I have a directory which has lots of directories and files in it. I want to determine the total number of files in the top level directory (inclduing the files in sub-dirs)
Is there a unix command of that ?/
Thanks !!! (3 Replies)
Please let me know how to find out number of files in a directory excluding existing files..The existing file format will be unknown..each time..
Thanks (3 Replies)
I can't find how to do this.
I want to take a bulk of files, and copy/move a specific number of them (say 1000) to a newly created directory. Once that directory is full, I want to create a new folder and copy/move another batch of files, and so on.
Seems like there should be an easy way to... (6 Replies)
I just want to count number of files in a directory, and write to new text file, with number of files and their name
output should look like this,,
assume that below one is a new file created by script
Number of files in directory = 25
1. a.txt
2. abc.txt
3. asd.dat... (20 Replies)
Discussion started by: Akshay Hegde
20 Replies
apple_dump - Dump AppleSingle/AppleDouble format file
apple_dump [-a] FILE | DIR
apple_dump -f FILE
apple_dump -d FILE
apple_dump -h | -help | --help
apple_dump -v | -version | --version
apple_dump dump AppleSingle/AppleDouble format file.
This is default. Dump a AppleSingle/AppleDouble file for FILE or DIR automatically. Extrapolate FinderInfo type from absolute path. If
FILE is not AppleSingle/AppleDouble format, look for .AppleDouble/FILE and ._FILE. If DIR, look for DIR/.AppleDouble/.Parent and ._DIR.
Dump FILE. Assume FinderInfo to be FileInfo.
Dump FILE. Assume FinderInfo to be DirInfo.
-h, -help, --help
Display the help and exit
-v, -version, --version
Show version and exit
There is no way to detect whether FinderInfo is FileInfo or DirInfo. By default, apple_dump examins whether file or directory, a parent
directory is .AppleDouble, filename is ._*, filename is .Parent, and so on.
If setting option -f or -d, assume FinderInfo and doesn't look for another file.
SEE ALSO ad(1)Netatalk 2.2 02 Sep 2011 APPLE_DUMP(1)