I pass a parameter to a script code and I have to make it upper case before use:
$ MyShell aBcDe
script code:
I can't know how make function, maybe some sed option?
Thank You,
PARIDE (1 Reply)
Hi Gurus,
This is my script:
echo ""
echo "Do you want to execute DWH Test Program?"
echo ""
echo -n "Okay?("y" or "n")=> "
set ret = $<
if ($ret != "y") then
echo ""
echo ""
echo "End."
exit 0
How can I make this script accept uppercase as well?... (8 Replies)
I am working in ksh and need to convert the following line into lower case:
N344 N228 P227 N115 P116 N332 P331 P343 P293 N342 N294 N335 N329 P330 P336 P097 P092 N098 P334 N337 P345 P338 N091 N333
so the output should look like this:
n344 n228 p227 n115 p116 n332 p331 p343 p293 n342... (5 Replies)
What is the command to change the contents of a file to UPPER case. Here in this file below you see some characters are Sp, Ch
22885072800000652 B86860003OLFXXX592123320081227
22885029800000652 B86860003ODL-Sp592123420081227
22885093700000652-B94030001ODL-Ch592123520081227... (4 Replies)
Hi all,
i have a data array as followes.
so on..........
i need all english letters to be change to lower case. So i am expecting to see
so on........
If i have to copy this data in... (8 Replies)
I think this is a weird problem.
I have two files...one with all UPPER case and the other one with a mix of upper and lower.
Match each record in file1 against record in file2, if they match, then change the record in file1 to that of record in file2.
Thanks in advance. (2 Replies)
I have a file
i am using the below command to convert this file to RYK11603_5692601.pdf
file_name=$(echo ${file_name1}| cut -d"#" -f2| sed "s/\(*\)_PLK\(*\)_\(*\).PDF/\1_\2.pdf/")
but no success can somebody help on thi. (13 Replies)
Hi All,
I want to change the out put of a decode file from lower to upper. i used tr command but facing issue.
set -vx
if ]; then
cd $APPL_TOP/local/bin
cp .sqlpass.Z $$.temp.Z
uncompress $$.temp.Z
sed -e s/sqlpass/$$.sqlpass/ $$.temp >... (5 Replies)
I have a file that has a pattern 2 lines, blanktwo line
If encountering the first line, the 2nd line need to be converted to UPPERCASE...or...conver the 2nd line after ablank into uppercase
Is there a 'tr' function in awk..(probably the best tool over sed) ?
......................... (6 Replies)
spline(1) User Commands spline(1)NAME
spline - interpolate smooth curve
spline [-aknpx] ...
spline takes pairs of numbers from the standard input as abcissas and ordinates of a function. It produces a similar set, which is approxi-
mately equally spaced and includes the input set, on the standard output. The cubic spline output (R. W. Hamming, Numerical Methods for
Scientists and Engineers,2nd ed., 349ff) has two continuous derivatives, and sufficiently many points to look smooth when plotted, for
example by graph(1).
OPTIONS -a Supply abscissas automatically (they are missing from the input); spacing is given by the next argument, or is assumed to be 1 if
next argument is not a number.
-k The constant k used in the boundary value computation
(2nd deriv. at end) = k*(2nd deriv. next to end)
is set by the next argument. By default k = 0.
-n Space output points so that approximately n intervals occur between the lower and upper x limits. (Default n = 100.)
-p Make output periodic, that is, match derivatives at ends. First and last input values should normally agree.
-x Next 1 (or 2) arguments are lower (and upper) x limits. Normally these limits are calculated from the data. Automatic abcissas
start at lower limit (default 0).
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
|Availability |SUNWesu |
SEE ALSO graph(1), attributes(5)
R. W. Hamming, Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd ed.
When data is not strictly monotonic in x, spline reproduces the input without interpolating extra points.
A limit of 1000 input points is enforced silently.
SunOS 5.10 14 Sep 1992 spline(1)