I need help in forming a script to copy files from one location which has a sub directory structure to another location with similar sub directory structure,
say location 1,
here 1-12 are the number of sub directories under tmp_files and 00-25 are sub... (1 Reply)
To make a programming language you need a compiler, so what was the first programming language and how was is created if you need the compiler first?
The compiler itself is considered as a high language comparing to the machine! since the compiler is not created in 1's and 0's...
Eventhough i... (12 Replies)
Create a script that copies files from one specified directory to another specified directory, in the order they were created in the original directory between specified times. Copy the files at a specified interval. (2 Replies)
I am new to unix and shell scripting.
Please help me in resolving the below issue.
In my shell script I have a variable which stores the different files with the path. Now I need to move all the files one by one to another location.
1.... (4 Replies)
I am logging to a linux server through a user "user1" in /home directory.
There is a script in a directory in 'root' for which all permissions are available including the directory. This script when executed creates a file in the directory.
When the script is added to crontab, on... (1 Reply)
This is my third past and very impressed with previous post replies
Hoping the same for below query
How to find a existing file location and directory location in solaris box (1 Reply)
A) I would like to achive following actions using shell script. can someone help me with writing the shell script
1) Go to some dir ( say /xyz/logs ) and then perform find operation in this dir and list of subdir using
find . -name "*" -print | xargs grep -li 1367A49001CP0162 >... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: GG2
1 Replies
PLBIN(3plplot) PLplot API PLBIN(3plplot)NAME
plbin - Plot a histogram from binned data
plbin(nbin, x, y, opt)
Plots a histogram consisting of nbin bins. The value associated with the i'th bin is placed in x[i], and the number of points in the bin
is placed in y[i]. For proper operation, the values in x[i] must form a strictly increasing sequence. By default, x[i] is the left-hand
edge of the i'th bin. If opt=PL_BIN_CENTRED is used, the bin boundaries are placed midway between the values in the x array. Also see
plhist(3plplot) for drawing histograms from unbinned data.
Redacted form: General: plbin(x, y, opt) Perl/PDL: plbin(nbin, x, y, opt) Python: plbin(nbin, x, y, opt)
This function is not used in any examples.
nbin (PLINT, input)
Number of bins (i.e., number of values in x and y arrays.)
x (PLFLT *, input)
Pointer to array containing values associated with bins. These must form a strictly increasing sequence.
y (PLFLT *, input)
Pointer to array containing number of points in bin. This is a PLFLT (instead of PLINT) array so as to allow histograms of proba-
bilities, etc.
opt (PLINT, input)
Is a combination of several flags: opt=PL_BIN_DEFAULT: The x represent the lower bin boundaries, the outer bins are expanded to fill
up the entire x-axis and bins of zero height are simply drawn. opt=PL_BIN_CENTRED|...: The bin boundaries are to be midway between
the x values. If the values in x are equally spaced, the values are the center values of the bins. opt=PL_BIN_NOEXPAND|...: The
outer bins are drawn with equal size as the ones inside. opt=PL_BIN_NOEMPTY|...: Bins with zero height are not drawn (there is a
gap for such bins).
Geoffrey Furnish and Maurice LeBrun wrote and maintain PLplot. This man page was automatically generated from the DocBook source of the
PLplot documentation, maintained by Alan W. Irwin and Rafael Laboissiere.
PLplot documentation at http://plplot.sourceforge.net/resources.
August, 2012 PLBIN(3plplot)